Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 Cshark::AbstractBudgetMaintenanceStrategy< InputType >This is the abstract interface for any budget maintenance strategy
 Cshark::AbstractBudgetMaintenanceStrategy< RealVector >
 Cshark::AbstractConstraintHandler< SearchPointType >Implements the base class for constraint handling
 Cshark::AbstractConstraintHandler< RealVector >
 Cshark::AbstractConstraintHandler< Vector >
 Cshark::AbstractNearestNeighbors< InputType, LabelType >Interface for Nearest Neighbor queries
 Cshark::AbstractStoppingCriterion< ResultSetT >Base class for stopping criteria of optimization algorithms
 Cshark::AbstractStoppingCriterion< ResultSet >
 Cshark::AbstractStoppingCriterion< SingleObjectiveResultSet< PointType > >
 Cshark::AbstractStoppingCriterion< SingleObjectiveResultSet< RealVector > >
 Cshark::AbstractStoppingCriterion< ValidatedSingleObjectiveResultSet< PointType > >
 Cshark::AdditiveEpsilonIndicatorImplements the Additive approximation properties of sets
 Cshark::BarsAndStripesGenerates the Bars-And-Stripes problem. In this problem, a 4x4 image has either rows or columns of the same value
 Cshark::BaseDCNonDominatedSortDivide-and-conquer algorithm for non-dominated sorting
 Cshark::statistics::BaseStatisticsObjectBase class for all Statistic Objects to be used with Statistics
 Cshark::Batch< shark::blas::compressed_vector< T > >Specialization for ublas compressed vectors which are compressed matrices in batch mode!
 Cshark::BatchTraits< BatchType >
 Cshark::BatchTraits< blas::compressed_matrix< T > >
 Cshark::BatchTraits< blas::dense_matrix_adaptor< T, blas::row_major > >
 Cshark::BatchTraits< blas::matrix< T > >
 Cshark::BatchTraits< WeightedDataBatch< DataType, WeightType > >
 Cshark::BiasSolver< Matrix >
 Cshark::BiasSolverSimplex< Matrix >
 Cshark::BinaryTree< InputT >Super class of binary space-partitioning trees
 Cshark::BinaryTree< Container::value_type >
 Cshark::BinaryTree< VectorType >
 Cshark::BitflipMutatorBitflip mutation operator
 Cshark::BlockMatrix2x2< Matrix >SVM regression matrix
 Cshark::BoxConstrainedProblem< SVMProblem >Quadratic program with box constraints
 Cshark::BoxConstrainedProblem< Problem >
 Cshark::BoxedSVMProblem< MatrixT >Boxed problem for alpha in [lower,upper]^n and equality constraints
 Cshark::CachedMatrix< Matrix >Efficient quadratic matrix cache
 Cshark::CanBeCalled< Functor, Argument >Detects whether Functor(Argument) can be called
 Cshark::CanBeCalled< R(*)(T), Argument >
 Cshark::CanBeCalled< R(T), Argument >
 Cshark::CMAChromosomeModels a CMAChromosomeof the elitist (MO-)CMA-ES that encodes strategy parameters
 Cshark::ConstProxyReference< T >Sets the type of ProxxyReference
 Cshark::CrowdingDistanceImplements the Crowding Distance of a pareto front
 Cshark::CSVMProblem< MatrixT >Problem formulation for binary C-SVM problems
 Cshark::CVFolds< DatasetTypeT >
 Cshark::CVFolds< DatasetType >
 Cshark::CVFolds< LabeledData< InputType, unsigned int > >
 Cshark::DataDistribution< InputType >A DataDistribution defines an unsupervised learning problem
 Cshark::DataDistribution< RealVector >
 Cshark::DataView< DatasetType >Constant time Element-Lookup for Datasets
 Cshark::DataView< const shark::LabeledData >
 Cshark::DataView< LabeledData< InputType, LabelType > const >
 Cshark::DataView< shark::Data< InputType > const >
 Cshark::DataView< shark::Data< LabelType > const >
 Cshark::DifferenceKernelMatrix< InputType, CacheType >SVM ranking matrix
 Cshark::tags::DiscreteSpaceA Tag for EnumerationSpaces. It tells the Functions, that the space is discrete and can be enumerated
 Cshark::DistantModesCreates a set of pattern (each later representing a mode) which than are randomly perturbed to create the data set. The dataset was introduced in Desjardins et al. (2010) (Parallel Tempering for training restricted Boltzmann machines, AISTATS 2010)
 Cshark::ElitistSelection< Ordering >Survival selection to find the next parent set
 Cshark::Energy< RBM >The Energy function determining the Gibbs distribution of an RBM
 Cshark::EnergyStoringTemperedMarkovChain< Operator >Implements parallel tempering but also stores additional statistics on the energy differences
 Cshark::QpSparseArray< QpFloatType >::EntryNon-default (non-zero) array entry
 Cshark::EPTournamentSelection< Ordering >Survival and mating selection to find the next parent set
 Cshark::QpMcSimplexDecomp< Matrix >::ExampleData structure describing one training example
 Cshark::QpMcBoxDecomp< Matrix >::ExampleData structure describing one training example
 Cshark::ExampleModifiedKernelMatrix< InputType, CacheType >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cshark::FastSigmoidNeuronFast sigmoidal function, which does not need to compute an exponential function
 Cshark::Individual< PointType, FitnessTypeT, Chromosome >::FitnessOrderingOrdering relation by the fitness of the individuals(only single objective)
 Cshark::GaussianKernelMatrix< T, CacheType >Efficient special case if the kernel is Gaussian and the inputs are sparse vectors
 Cshark::GeneralQuadraticProblem< MatrixT >Quadratic Problem with only Box-Constraints Let K the kernel matrix, than the problem has the form
 Cshark::GibbsOperator< RBMType >Implements Block Gibbs Sampling related transition operators for various temperatures
 Cshark::HypervolumeApproximatorImplements an FPRAS for approximating the volume of a set of high-dimensional objects. The algorithm is described in
 Cshark::HypervolumeCalculatorFrontend for hypervolume calculation algorithms in m dimensions
 Cshark::HypervolumeCalculator2DImplementation of the exact hypervolume calculation in 2 dimensions
 Cshark::HypervolumeCalculator3DImplementation of the exact hypervolume calculation in 3 dimensions
 Cshark::HypervolumeCalculatorMDHOYImplementation of the exact hypervolume calculation in m dimensions
 Cshark::HypervolumeCalculatorMDWFGImplementation of the exact hypervolume calculation in m dimensions
 Cshark::HypervolumeContributionFrontend for hypervolume contribution algorithms in m dimensions
 Cshark::HypervolumeContribution2DFinds the smallest/largest Contributors given 2D points
 Cshark::HypervolumeContribution3DFinds the hypervolume contribution for points in 3DD
 Cshark::HypervolumeContributionApproximatorApproximately determines the point of a set contributing the least hypervolume
 Cshark::HypervolumeContributionMDFinds the hypervolume contribution for points in MD
 Cshark::HypervolumeIndicatorCalculates the hypervolume covered by a front of non-dominated points
 Cshark::HypervolumeSubsetSelection2DImplementation of the exact hypervolume subset selection algorithm in 2 dimensions
 Cshark::INameableThis class is an interface for all objects which can have a name
 Cshark::IndicatorBasedSelection< Indicator >Implements the well-known indicator-based selection strategy
 Cshark::IndicatorBasedSelection< NSGA3Indicator >
 Cshark::IndicatorBasedSelection< shark::HypervolumeIndicator >
 Cshark::Individual< PointType, FitnessTypeT, Chromosome >Individual is a simple templated class modelling an individual that acts as a candidate solution in an evolutionary algorithm
 Cshark::Individual< RealVector, double, CMAChromosome >
 Cshark::Individual< RealVector, FitnessType, CMAChromosome >
 Cshark::CrossEntropyMethod::INoiseTypeInterface class for noise type
 Cshark::IParameterizable< VectorType >Top level interface for everything that holds parameters
 Cshark::IParameterizable< blas::vector< InputType::value_type, InputType::device_type > >
 Cshark::IParameterizable< blas::vector< VectorType ::value_type, VectorType ::device_type > >
 Cshark::IParameterizable< CARTree< LabelType > ::ParameterVectorType >
 Cshark::IParameterizable< CARTree< unsigned int > ::ParameterVectorType >
 Cshark::IParameterizable< ModelType::ParameterVectorType >
 Cshark::IParameterizable< ParameterType >
 Cshark::IParameterizable< RealVector >
 Cshark::ISerializableAbstracts serializing functionality
 Cshark::IterativeNNQuery< DataContainer >Iterative nearest neighbors query
 Cshark::JaakkolaHeuristicJaakkola's heuristic and related quantities for Gaussian kernel selection
 Cshark::KernelMatrix< InputType, CacheType >Kernel Gram matrix
 Cshark::KeyValuePair< Key, Value >Represents a Key-Value-Pair similar std::pair which is strictly ordered by it's key
 Cshark::LabeledDataDistribution< InputType, LabelType >A LabeledDataDistribution defines a supervised learning problem
 Cshark::LabeledDataDistribution< InputType, unsigned int >
 Cshark::LabeledDataDistribution< RealVector, RealVector >
 Cshark::LabeledDataDistribution< RealVector, unsigned int >
 Cshark::LibSVMSelectionCriterionComputes the maximum gian solution
 Cshark::LinearNeuronLinear activation Neuron
 Cshark::LinearRankingSelection< Ordering >Implements a fitness-proportional selection scheme for mating selection that scales the fitness values linearly before carrying out the actual selection
 Cshark::LogisticNeuronNeuron which computes the Logistic (logistic) function with range [0,1]
 Cshark::LRUCache< T >Implements an LRU-Caching Strategy for arbitrary Cache-Lines
 Cshark::LRUCache< QpFloatType >
 Cshark::MarkovChain< Operator >A single Markov chain
 Cshark::MaximumGainCriterionWorking set selection by maximization of the dual objective gain
 Cshark::MaximumGradientCriterionWorking set selection by maximization of the projected gradient
 Cshark::McPegasos< VectorType >Pegasos solver for linear multi-class support vector machines
 Cshark::MNISTReads in the famous MNIST data in possibly binarized form. The MNIST database itself is not included in Shark, this class just helps loading it
 Cshark::ModifiedKernelMatrix< InputType, CacheType >Modified Kernel Gram matrix
 Cshark::MultiNomialDistributionImplements a multinomial distribution
 Cshark::MultiVariateNormalDistributionImplements a multi-variate normal distribution with zero mean
 Cshark::MultiVariateNormalDistributionCholeskyMultivariate normal distribution with zero mean using a cholesky decomposition
 Cshark::MVPSelectionCriterionComputes the most violating pair of the problem
 Cshark::CARTree< LabelType >::Node
 Cshark::NormalizerNeuron< VectorType >
 Cshark::OnePointCrossoverImplements one-point crossover
 Cshark::PartiallyMappedCrossoverImplements partially mapped crossover
 Cshark::PartlyPrecomputedMatrix< Matrix >Partly Precomputed version of a matrix for quadratic programming
 Cshark::Pegasos< VectorType >Pegasos solver for linear (binary) support vector machines
 Cshark::PenalizingEvaluatorPenalizing evaluator for scalar objective functions
 Cshark::HypervolumeContributionApproximator::Point< VectorType >Models a point and associated information for book-keeping purposes
 Cshark::EvaluationArchive< PointType, ResultT >::PointResultPairTypePair of point and result
 Cshark::PolynomialMutatorPolynomial mutation operator
 Cshark::PopulationBasedStepSizeAdaptationStep size adaptation based on the success of the new population compared to the old
 Cshark::PrecomputedMatrix< Matrix >Precomputed version of a matrix for quadratic programming
 Cshark::QpMcSimplexDecomp< Matrix >::PreferedSelectionStrategyWorking set selection eturning th S2DO working set
 Cshark::QpMcBoxDecomp< Matrix >::PreferedSelectionStrategyWorking set selection eturning th S2DO working set
 Cshark::QpBoxLinear< InputT >Quadratic program solver for box-constrained problems with linear kernel
 Cshark::QpConfigSuper class of all support vector machine trainers
 Cshark::QpMcBoxDecomp< Matrix >
 Cshark::QpMcLinear< InputT >Generic solver skeleton for linear multi-class SVM problems
 Cshark::QpMcSimplexDecomp< Matrix >
 Cshark::QpSolutionPropertiesProperties of the solution of a quadratic program
 Cshark::QpSolver< Problem, SelectionStrategy >Quadratic program solver
 Cshark::QpSparseArray< QpFloatType >Specialized container class for multi-class SVM problems
 Cshark::QpStoppingConditionStopping conditions for quadratic programming
 Cshark::Individual< PointType, FitnessTypeT, Chromosome >::RankOrderingOrdering relation by the ranks of the individuals
 Cshark::RealSpaceThe RealSpace can't be enumerated. Infinite values are just too much
 Cshark::tags::RealSpaceA Tag for EnumerationSpaces. It tells the Functions, that the space is real and can't be enumerated
 Cshark::RectifierNeuronRectifier Neuron f(x) = max(0,x)
 Cshark::ReferenceVectorAdaptation< IndividualType >Reference vector adaptation for the RVEA algorithm
 Cshark::ReferenceVectorAdaptation< shark::Individual >
 Cshark::ReferenceVectorGuidedSelection< IndividualType >Implements the reference vector selection for the RVEA algorithm
 Cshark::ReferenceVectorGuidedSelection< shark::Individual >
 Cshark::RegularizedKernelMatrix< InputType, CacheType >Kernel Gram matrix with modified diagonal
 Cshark::RadiusMarginQuotient< InputType, CacheType >::Result
 Cshark::ResultSet< SearchPointT, ResultT >
 Cshark::ResultSet< SearchPointTypeT, double >
 Cshark::statistics::ResultTable< Parameter >Stores results of a running experiment
 Cshark::RFTrainer< LabelType >Random Forest
 Cshark::ROCROC-Curve - false negatives over false positives
 Cshark::RouletteWheelSelectionFitness-proportional selection operator
 Cshark::QpSparseArray< QpFloatType >::RowData structure describing a row of the sparse array
 Cshark::AbstractObjectiveFunction< PointType, ResultT >::SecondOrderDerivative
 Cshark::ShapeRepresents the Shape of an input or output
 Cshark::SharkAllows for querying compile settings at runtime. Provides the current command line arguments to the rest of the library
 Cshark::ShifterShifter problem
 Cshark::detail::SimpleBatch< WeightedDataBatch< detail::element_to_batch< DataType >::type, detail::element_to_batch< WeightType >::type > >
 Cshark::SimulatedBinaryCrossover< PointType >Simulated binary crossover operator
 Cshark::SimulatedBinaryCrossover< RealVector >
 Cshark::SimulatedBinaryCrossover< SearchPointType >
 Cshark::SoftmaxNeuron< VectorType >
 Cshark::StateRepresents the State of an Object
 Cshark::statistics::Statistics< Parameter >Generates Statistics over the results of an experiment
 Cshark::detail::SubrangeKernelBase< InputType >
 Cshark::SvmProblem< Problem >
 Cshark::TanhNeuronNeuron which computes the hyperbolic tangenst with range [-1,1]
 Cshark::WeightedSumKernel< InputType >::tBaseStructure describing a single m_base kernel
 Cshark::TemperedMarkovChain< Operator >
 Cshark::TimerTimer abstraction with microsecond resolution
 Cshark::TournamentSelection< Predicate >Tournament selection operator
 Cboost::serialization::tracking_level< shark::TypedFlags< T > >
 Cboost::serialization::tracking_level< std::vector< T > >
 Cshark::TransformedData< Functor, T >
 Cshark::TreeConstructionStopping criteria for tree construction
 Cshark::TwoPointStepSizeAdaptationStep size adaptation based on the success of the new population compared to the old
 Cshark::TwoStateSpace< State1, State2 >The TwoStateSpace is a discrete Space with only two values, for example {0,1} or {-1,1}
 Cshark::UniformCrossoverUniform crossover of arbitrary individuals
 Cshark::UniformRankingSelectionSelects individuals from the range of individual and offspring individuals
 Cshark::QpMcSimplexDecomp< Matrix >::VariableData structure describing one variable of the problem
 Cshark::QpMcBoxDecomp< Matrix >::VariableData structure describing one m_variables of the problem
 Cshark::detail::VectorBatch< blas::matrix< T > >
 Cshark::Shark::Version< major, minor, patch >Models a version according to the major.minor.patch versioning scheme
 Cshark::WeightedDataBatch< DataBatchType, WeightBatchType >
 Cshark::WeightedDataPair< DataType, WeightType >Input-Label pair of data
 Cshark::WS2MaximumGradientCriterionWorking set selection by maximization of the projected gradient