►Nboost | |
►Nserialization | |
Ctracking_level< shark::TypedFlags< T > > | |
Ctracking_level< std::vector< T > > | |
►Nshark | AbstractMultiObjectiveOptimizer |
►Nstatistics | |
CBaseStatisticsObject | Base class for all Statistic Objects to be used with Statistics |
CFractionMissing | For a vector of points computes for every dimension the fraction of missing values |
CLowerQuantile | For a vector of points computes for every dimension the 25%-quantile |
CMean | For a vector of points computes for every dimension the mean |
CMedian | For a vector of points computes for every dimension the median |
CQuantile | For a vector of points computes for every dimension the p-quantile |
CResultTable | Stores results of a running experiment |
CStatistics | Generates Statistics over the results of an experiment |
CUpperQuantile | For a vector of points computes for every dimension the 75%-quantile |
CVariance | For a vector of points computes for every dimension the variance |
►Ntags | Tags are empty types which can be used as a function argument |
CDiscreteSpace | A Tag for EnumerationSpaces. It tells the Functions, that the space is discrete and can be enumerated |
CRealSpace | A Tag for EnumerationSpaces. It tells the Functions, that the space is real and can't be enumerated |
CAbsoluteLoss | Absolute loss |
CAbstractBudgetMaintenanceStrategy | This is the abstract interface for any budget maintenance strategy |
CAbstractClustering | Base class for clustering |
CAbstractConstraintHandler | Implements the base class for constraint handling |
CAbstractCost | Cost function interface |
CAbstractKernelFunction | Base class of all Kernel functions |
CAbstractLinearSvmTrainer | Super class of all linear SVM trainers |
CAbstractLineSearchOptimizer | Basis class for line search methods |
CAbstractLoss | Loss function interface |
CAbstractMetric | |
CAbstractModel | Base class for all Models |
CAbstractMultiObjectiveOptimizer | Base class for abstract multi-objective optimizers for arbitrary search spaces |
CAbstractNearestNeighbors | Interface for Nearest Neighbor queries |
►CAbstractObjectiveFunction | Super class of all objective functions for optimization and learning |
CSecondOrderDerivative | |
CAbstractOptimizer | An optimizer that optimizes general objective functions |
CAbstractSingleObjectiveOptimizer | Base class for all single objective optimizer |
CAbstractStoppingCriterion | Base class for stopping criteria of optimization algorithms |
CAbstractSvmTrainer | Super class of all kernelized (non-linear) SVM trainers |
CAbstractTrainer | Superclass of supervised learning algorithms |
CAbstractUnsupervisedTrainer | Superclass of unsupervised learning algorithms |
CAbstractWeightedTrainer | Superclass of weighted supervised learning algorithms |
CAbstractWeightedUnsupervisedTrainer | Superclass of weighted unsupervised learning algorithms |
CAckley | Convex quadratic benchmark function with single dominant axis |
CAdam | Adaptive Moment Estimation Algorithm (ADAM) |
CAdditiveEpsilonIndicator | Implements the Additive approximation properties of sets |
CARDKernelUnconstrained | Automatic relevance detection kernel for unconstrained parameter optimization |
CBarsAndStripes | Generates the Bars-And-Stripes problem. In this problem, a 4x4 image has either rows or columns of the same value |
CBaseDCNonDominatedSort | Divide-and-conquer algorithm for non-dominated sorting |
CBatch | Class which helps using different batch types |
CBatch< blas::vector< T > > | Specialization for vectors which should be matrices in batch mode! |
CBatch< detail::MatrixRowReference< M > > | |
CBatch< shark::blas::compressed_vector< T > > | Specialization for ublas compressed vectors which are compressed matrices in batch mode! |
CBatch< WeightedDataPair< DataType, WeightType > > | |
CBatchTraits | |
CBatchTraits< blas::compressed_matrix< T > > | |
CBatchTraits< blas::dense_matrix_adaptor< T, blas::row_major > > | |
CBatchTraits< blas::matrix< T > > | |
CBatchTraits< WeightedDataBatch< DataType, WeightType > > | |
CBFGS | Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, Shannon algorithm for unconstraint optimization |
CBiasSolver | |
CBiasSolverSimplex | |
CBinaryLayer | Layer of binary units taking values in {0,1} |
CBinaryTree | Super class of binary space-partitioning trees |
CBipolarLayer | Layer of bipolar units taking values in {-1,1} |
CBitflipMutator | Bitflip mutation operator |
CBlockMatrix2x2 | SVM regression matrix |
CBoxBasedShrinkingStrategy | Takes q boxx constrained QP-type problem and implements shrinking on it |
CBoxConstrainedProblem | Quadratic program with box constraints |
CBoxConstrainedShrinkingProblem | |
CBoxConstraintHandler | |
CBoxedSVMProblem | Boxed problem for alpha in [lower,upper]^n and equality constraints |
CCachedMatrix | Efficient quadratic matrix cache |
CCanBeCalled | Detects whether Functor(Argument) can be called |
CCanBeCalled< R(*)(T), Argument > | |
CCanBeCalled< R(T), Argument > | |
►CCARTree | Classification and Regression Tree |
CNode | |
CCentroids | Clusters defined by centroids |
CCG | Conjugate-gradient method for unconstrained optimization |
CChessboard | "chess board" problem for binary classification |
CCigar | Convex quadratic benchmark function with single dominant axis |
CCigarDiscus | Convex quadratic benchmark function |
CCIGTAB1 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function CIGTAB 1 |
CCIGTAB2 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function CIGTAB 2 |
CCircleInSquare | |
CClassifier | Conversion of real-valued or vector valued outputs to class labels |
CClusteringModel | Abstract model with associated clustering object |
CCMA | Implements the CMA-ES |
CCMAChromosome | Models a CMAChromosomeof the elitist (MO-)CMA-ES that encodes strategy parameters |
CCMACMap | Linear combination of piecewise constant functions |
CCMAIndividual | |
CCMSA | Implements the CMSA |
CCombinedObjectiveFunction | Linear combination of objective functions |
CConcatenatedModel | ConcatenatedModel concatenates two models such that the output of the first model is input to the second |
CConstProxyReference | Sets the type of ProxxyReference |
CConstrainedSphere | Constrained Sphere function |
CContrastiveDivergence | Implements k-step Contrastive Divergence described by Hinton et al. (2006) |
CConv2DModel | Convolutional Model for 2D image data |
CCrossEntropy | Error measure for classification tasks that can be used as the objective function for training |
►CCrossEntropyMethod | Implements the Cross Entropy Method |
CConstantNoise | Constant noise term z_t = noise |
CINoiseType | Interface class for noise type |
CLinearNoise | Linear noise term z_t = a + t / b |
CCrossValidationError | Cross-validation error for selection of hyper-parameters |
CCrowdingDistance | Implements the Crowding Distance of a pareto front |
CCSvmDerivative | This class provides two main member functions for computing the derivative of a C-SVM hypothesis w.r.t. its hyperparameters. The constructor takes a pointer to a KernelClassifier and an SvmTrainer, in the assumption that the former was trained by the latter. It heavily accesses their members to calculate the derivative of the alpha and offset values w.r.t. the SVM hyperparameters, that is, the regularization parameter C and the kernel parameters. This is done in the member function prepareCSvmParameterDerivative called by the constructor. After this initial, heavier computation step, modelCSvmParameterDerivative can be called on an input sample to the SVM model, and the method will yield the derivative of the hypothesis w.r.t. the SVM hyperparameters |
CCSVMProblem | Problem formulation for binary C-SVM problems |
CCSvmTrainer | Training of C-SVMs for binary classification |
CCVFolds | |
CData | Data container |
CDataDistribution | A DataDistribution defines an unsupervised learning problem |
CDataView | Constant time Element-Lookup for Datasets |
CDiagonalWithCircle | |
CDifferenceKernelMatrix | SVM ranking matrix |
CDiffPowers | |
CDiscreteKernel | Kernel on a finite, discrete space |
CDiscreteLoss | Flexible loss for classification |
CDiscus | Convex quadratic benchmark function |
CDistantModes | Creates a set of pattern (each later representing a mode) which than are randomly perturbed to create the data set. The dataset was introduced in Desjardins et al. (2010) (Parallel Tempering for training restricted Boltzmann machines, AISTATS 2010) |
CDoublePole | |
CDropoutLayer | |
CDTLZ1 | Implements the benchmark function DTLZ1 |
CDTLZ2 | Implements the benchmark function DTLZ2 |
CDTLZ3 | Implements the benchmark function DTLZ3 |
CDTLZ4 | Implements the benchmark function DTLZ4 |
CDTLZ5 | Implements the benchmark function DTLZ5 |
CDTLZ6 | Implements the benchmark function DTLZ6 |
CDTLZ7 | Implements the benchmark function DTLZ7 |
CElitistCMA | Implements the elitist CMA-ES |
CElitistSelection | Survival selection to find the next parent set |
CELLI1 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function ELLI1 |
CELLI2 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function ELLI2 |
CEllipsoid | Convex quadratic benchmark function |
CEmptyState | Default State of an Object which does not need a State |
CEnergy | The Energy function determining the Gibbs distribution of an RBM |
CEnergyStoringTemperedMarkovChain | Implements parallel tempering but also stores additional statistics on the energy differences |
CEpsilonHingeLoss | Hinge-loss for large margin regression |
CEpsilonSvmTrainer | Training of Epsilon-SVMs for regression |
CEPTournamentSelection | Survival and mating selection to find the next parent set |
CErrorFunction | Objective function for supervised learning |
►CEvaluationArchive | Objective function wrapper storing all function evaluations |
CPointResultPairType | Pair of point and result |
CExactGradient | |
CExampleModifiedKernelMatrix | |
CException | Top-level exception class of the shark library |
CFastSigmoidNeuron | Fast sigmoidal function, which does not need to compute an exponential function |
CFisherLDA | Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis for data compression |
CFonseca | Bi-objective real-valued benchmark function proposed by Fonseca and Flemming |
CGaussianKernelMatrix | Efficient special case if the kernel is Gaussian and the inputs are sparse vectors |
CGaussianLayer | A layer of Gaussian neurons |
CGaussianRbfKernel | Gaussian radial basis function kernel |
CGaussianTaskKernel | Special "Gaussian-like" kernel function on tasks |
CGeneralizationLoss | The generalization loss calculates the relative increase of the validation error compared to the minimum training error |
CGeneralizationQuotient | SStopping criterion monitoring the quotient of generalization loss and training progress |
CGeneralQuadraticProblem | Quadratic Problem with only Box-Constraints Let K the kernel matrix, than the problem has the form |
CGibbsOperator | Implements Block Gibbs Sampling related transition operators for various temperatures |
CGridSearch | Optimize by trying out a grid of configurations |
CGSP | Real-valued benchmark function with two objectives |
CHardClusteringModel | Model for "hard" clustering |
CHierarchicalClustering | Clusters defined by a binary space partitioning tree |
CHimmelblau | Multi-modal two-dimensional continuous Himmelblau benchmark function |
CHingeLoss | Hinge-loss for large margin classification |
CHMGSelectionCriterion | |
CHuberLoss | Huber-loss for for robust regression |
CHypervolumeApproximator | Implements an FPRAS for approximating the volume of a set of high-dimensional objects. The algorithm is described in |
CHypervolumeCalculator | Frontend for hypervolume calculation algorithms in m dimensions |
CHypervolumeCalculator2D | Implementation of the exact hypervolume calculation in 2 dimensions |
CHypervolumeCalculator3D | Implementation of the exact hypervolume calculation in 3 dimensions |
CHypervolumeCalculatorMDHOY | Implementation of the exact hypervolume calculation in m dimensions |
CHypervolumeCalculatorMDWFG | Implementation of the exact hypervolume calculation in m dimensions |
CHypervolumeContribution | Frontend for hypervolume contribution algorithms in m dimensions |
CHypervolumeContribution2D | Finds the smallest/largest Contributors given 2D points |
CHypervolumeContribution3D | Finds the hypervolume contribution for points in 3DD |
►CHypervolumeContributionApproximator | Approximately determines the point of a set contributing the least hypervolume |
CPoint | Models a point and associated information for book-keeping purposes |
CHypervolumeContributionMD | Finds the hypervolume contribution for points in MD |
CHypervolumeIndicator | Calculates the hypervolume covered by a front of non-dominated points |
CHypervolumeSubsetSelection2D | Implementation of the exact hypervolume subset selection algorithm in 2 dimensions |
CIHR1 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function IHR1 |
CIHR2 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function IHR 2 |
CIHR3 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function IHR3 |
CIHR4 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function IHR 4 |
CIHR6 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function IHR 6 |
CImagePatches | Given a set of images, draws a set of image patches of a given size |
CINameable | This class is an interface for all objects which can have a name |
CIndexedIterator | Creates an Indexed Iterator, an Iterator which also carries index information using index() |
CIndexingIterator | |
CIndicatorBasedMOCMA | Implements the generational MO-CMA-ES |
CIndicatorBasedRealCodedNSGAII | Implements the NSGA-II |
CIndicatorBasedSelection | Implements the well-known indicator-based selection strategy |
CIndicatorBasedSteadyStateMOCMA | Implements the \((\mu+1)\)-MO-CMA-ES |
►CIndividual | Individual is a simple templated class modelling an individual that acts as a candidate solution in an evolutionary algorithm |
CFitnessOrdering | Ordering relation by the fitness of the individuals(only single objective) |
CRankOrdering | Ordering relation by the ranks of the individuals |
CIParameterizable | Top level interface for everything that holds parameters |
CIRpropMinus | This class offers methods for the usage of the improved Resilient-Backpropagation-algorithm without weight-backtracking |
CIRpropPlus | This class offers methods for the usage of the improved Resilient-Backpropagation-algorithm with weight-backtracking |
CIRpropPlusFull | |
CISerializable | Abstracts serializing functionality |
CIterativeNNQuery | Iterative nearest neighbors query |
CJaakkolaHeuristic | Jaakkola's heuristic and related quantities for Gaussian kernel selection |
CKDTree | KD-tree, a binary space-partitioning tree |
CKernelBudgetedSGDTrainer | Budgeted stochastic gradient descent training for kernel-based models |
CKernelClassifier | Linear classifier in a kernel feature space |
CKernelExpansion | Linear model in a kernel feature space |
CKernelMatrix | Kernel Gram matrix |
CKernelMeanClassifier | Kernelized mean-classifier |
CKernelSGDTrainer | Generic stochastic gradient descent training for kernel-based models |
CKernelTargetAlignment | Kernel Target Alignment - a measure of alignment of a kernel Gram matrix with labels |
CKeyValuePair | Represents a Key-Value-Pair similar std::pair which is strictly ordered by it's key |
CKHCTree | KHC-tree, a binary space-partitioning tree |
CLabeledData | Data set for supervised learning |
CLabeledDataDistribution | A LabeledDataDistribution defines a supervised learning problem |
CLabelOrder | This will normalize the labels of a given dataset to 0..N-1 |
CLassoRegression | LASSO Regression |
CLBFGS | Limited-Memory Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, Shannon algorithm |
CLCTree | LC-tree, a binary space-partitioning tree |
CLDA | Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) |
CLibSVMSelectionCriterion | Computes the maximum gian solution |
CLinearClassifier | Basic linear classifier |
CLinearCSvmTrainer | |
CLinearKernel | Linear Kernel, parameter free |
CLinearModel | Linear Prediction with optional activation function |
CLinearNeuron | Linear activation Neuron |
CLinearRankingSelection | Implements a fitness-proportional selection scheme for mating selection that scales the fitness values linearly before carrying out the actual selection |
CLinearRegression | Linear Regression |
CLinearSAGTrainer | Stochastic Average Gradient Method for training of linear models, |
CLineSearch | Wrapper for the linesearch class of functions in the linear algebra library |
CLMCMA | Implements a Limited-Memory-CMA |
CLogisticNeuron | Neuron which computes the Logistic (logistic) function with range [0,1] |
CLogisticRegression | Trainer for Logistic regression |
CLooError | Leave-one-out error objective function |
CLooErrorCSvm | Leave-one-out error, specifically optimized for C-SVMs |
CLRUCache | Implements an LRU-Caching Strategy for arbitrary Cache-Lines |
CLZ1 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function LZ1 |
CLZ2 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function LZ2 |
CLZ3 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function LZ3 |
CLZ4 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function LZ4 |
CLZ5 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function LZ5 |
CLZ6 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function LZ6 |
CLZ7 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function LZ7 |
CLZ8 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function LZ8 |
CLZ9 | |
CMarkovChain | A single Markov chain |
CMarkovPole | |
CMaximumGainCriterion | Working set selection by maximization of the dual objective gain |
CMaximumGradientCriterion | Working set selection by maximization of the projected gradient |
CMaxIterations | This stopping criterion stops after a fixed number of iterations |
CMcPegasos | Pegasos solver for linear multi-class support vector machines |
CMeanModel | Calculates the weighted mean of a set of models |
CMergeBudgetMaintenanceStrategy | Budget maintenance strategy that merges two vectors |
►CMergeBudgetMaintenanceStrategy< RealVector > | Budget maintenance strategy merging vectors |
CMergingProblemFunction | |
CMissingFeaturesKernelExpansion | Kernel expansion with missing features support |
CMissingFeatureSvmTrainer | Trainer for binary SVMs natively supporting missing features |
CMklKernel | Weighted sum of kernel functions |
CMNIST | Reads in the famous MNIST data in possibly binarized form. The MNIST database itself is not included in Shark, this class just helps loading it |
CModelKernel | Kernel function that uses a Model as transformation function for another kernel |
CModifiedKernelMatrix | Modified Kernel Gram matrix |
CMOEAD | Implements the MOEA/D algorithm |
CMonomialKernel | Monomial kernel. Calculates \( \left\langle x_1, x_2 \right\rangle^m_exponent \) |
CMultiChainApproximator | Approximates the gradient by taking samples from an ensemble of Markov chains running in parallel |
CMultiNomialDistribution | Implements a multinomial distribution |
CMultiObjectiveBenchmark | Creates a multi-objective Benchmark from a set of given single objective functions |
CMultiTaskKernel | Special kernel function for multi-task and transfer learning |
CMultiTaskSample | Aggregation of input data and task index |
CMultiVariateNormalDistribution | Implements a multi-variate normal distribution with zero mean |
CMultiVariateNormalDistributionCholesky | Multivariate normal distribution with zero mean using a cholesky decomposition |
CMVPSelectionCriterion | Computes the most violating pair of the problem |
CNearestNeighborModel | NearestNeighbor model for classification and regression |
CNearestNeighborModel< InputType, unsigned int > | |
CNegativeAUC | Negative area under the curve |
CNegativeGaussianProcessEvidence | Evidence for model selection of a regularization network/Gaussian process |
CNegativeLogLikelihood | Computes the negative log likelihood of a dataset under a model |
CNegativeWilcoxonMannWhitneyStatistic | Negative Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney statistic |
CNestedGridSearch | Nested grid search |
CNeuronLayer | |
CNonMarkovPole | Objective function for single and double non-Markov poles |
CNormalDistributedPoints | Generates a set of normally distributed points |
CNormalizeComponentsUnitInterval | Train a model to normalize the components of a dataset to fit into the unit inverval |
CNormalizeComponentsUnitVariance | Train a linear model to normalize the components of a dataset to unit variance, and optionally to zero mean |
CNormalizeComponentsWhitening | Train a linear model to whiten the data |
CNormalizeComponentsZCA | Train a linear model to whiten the data |
CNormalizedKernel | Normalized version of a kernel function |
CNormalizeKernelUnitVariance | Determine the scaling factor of a ScaledKernel so that it has unit variance in feature space one on a given dataset |
CNormalizer | "Diagonal" linear model for data normalization |
►CNormalizerNeuron | |
CState | |
CNSGA3Indicator | |
COneClassSvmTrainer | Training of one-class SVMs |
COneNormRegularizer | One-norm of the input as an objective function |
COnePointCrossover | Implements one-point crossover |
COneVersusOneClassifier | One-versus-one Classifier |
COptimizationTrainer | Wrapper for training schemes based on (iterative) optimization |
CPamiToy | |
CPartiallyMappedCrossover | Implements partially mapped crossover |
CPartlyPrecomputedMatrix | Partly Precomputed version of a matrix for quadratic programming |
CPCA | Principal Component Analysis |
CPegasos | Pegasos solver for linear (binary) support vector machines |
CPenalizingEvaluator | Penalizing evaluator for scalar objective functions |
CPerceptron | Perceptron online learning algorithm |
CPointSearch | Optimize by trying out predefined configurations |
CPointSetKernel | Normalized version of a kernel function |
CPolynomialKernel | Polynomial kernel |
CPolynomialMutator | Polynomial mutation operator |
CPopulationBasedStepSizeAdaptation | Step size adaptation based on the success of the new population compared to the old |
CPrecomputedMatrix | Precomputed version of a matrix for quadratic programming |
CProductKernel | Product of kernel functions |
CProjectBudgetMaintenanceStrategy | Budget maintenance strategy that projects a vector |
CProjectBudgetMaintenanceStrategy< RealVector > | Budget maintenance strategy that projects a vector |
CProxyIterator | Creates an iterator which reinterpretes an object as a range |
CQpBoxLinear | Quadratic program solver for box-constrained problems with linear kernel |
CQpConfig | Super class of all support vector machine trainers |
►CQpMcBoxDecomp | |
CExample | Data structure describing one training example |
CPreferedSelectionStrategy | Working set selection eturning th S2DO working set |
CVariable | Data structure describing one m_variables of the problem |
CQpMcLinear | Generic solver skeleton for linear multi-class SVM problems |
CQpMcLinearADM | Solver for the multi-class SVM with absolute margin and discriminative maximum loss |
CQpMcLinearATM | Solver for the multi-class SVM with absolute margin and total maximum loss |
CQpMcLinearATS | Solver for the multi-class SVM with absolute margin and total sum loss |
CQpMcLinearCS | Solver for the multi-class SVM by Crammer & Singer |
CQpMcLinearLLW | Solver for the multi-class SVM by Lee, Lin & Wahba |
CQpMcLinearMMR | Solver for the multi-class maximum margin regression SVM |
CQpMcLinearReinforced | Solver for the "reinforced" multi-class SVM |
CQpMcLinearWW | Solver for the multi-class SVM by Weston & Watkins |
►CQpMcSimplexDecomp | |
CExample | Data structure describing one training example |
CPreferedSelectionStrategy | Working set selection eturning th S2DO working set |
CVariable | Data structure describing one variable of the problem |
CQpSolutionProperties | Properties of the solution of a quadratic program |
CQpSolver | Quadratic program solver |
►CQpSparseArray | Specialized container class for multi-class SVM problems |
CEntry | Non-default (non-zero) array entry |
CRow | Data structure describing a row of the sparse array |
CQpStoppingCondition | Stopping conditions for quadratic programming |
►CRadiusMarginQuotient | Radius margin quotions for binary SVMs |
CResult | |
CRankingSvmTrainer | Training of an SVM for ranking |
CRBFLayer | Implements a layer of radial basis functions in a neural network |
CRBM | Stub for the RBM class. at the moment it is just a holder of the parameter set and the Energy |
CRealCodedNSGAIII | Implements the NSGA-III |
CRealSpace | The RealSpace can't be enumerated. Infinite values are just too much |
CRectifierNeuron | Rectifier Neuron f(x) = max(0,x) |
CReferenceVectorAdaptation | Reference vector adaptation for the RVEA algorithm |
CReferenceVectorGuidedSelection | Implements the reference vector selection for the RVEA algorithm |
CRegularizationNetworkTrainer | Training of a regularization network |
CRegularizedKernelMatrix | Kernel Gram matrix with modified diagonal |
CRemoveBudgetMaintenanceStrategy | Budget maintenance strategy that removes a vector |
CResultSet | |
CRFClassifier | Random Forest Classifier |
CRFTrainer | Random Forest |
CRFTrainer< RealVector > | |
CRFTrainer< unsigned int > | |
CROC | ROC-Curve - false negatives over false positives |
CRosenbrock | Generalized Rosenbrock benchmark function |
CRotatedObjectiveFunction | Rotates an objective function using a randomly initialized rotation |
CRouletteWheelSelection | Fitness-proportional selection operator |
CRpropMinus | This class offers methods for the usage of the Resilient-Backpropagation-algorithm without weight-backtracking |
CRpropPlus | This class offers methods for the usage of the Resilient-Backpropagation-algorithm with weight-backtracking |
CRVEA | Implements the RVEA algorithm |
CScaledKernel | Scaled version of a kernel function |
CSchwefel | Convex benchmark function |
CScopedHandle | |
CShape | Represents the Shape of an input or output |
►CShark | Allows for querying compile settings at runtime. Provides the current command line arguments to the rest of the library |
CVersion | Models a version according to the major.minor.patch versioning scheme |
CShifter | Shifter problem |
CSimpleNearestNeighbors | Brute force optimized nearest neighbor implementation |
CSimplexDownhill | Simplex Downhill Method |
CSimulatedBinaryCrossover | Simulated binary crossover operator |
CSingleChainApproximator | Approximates the gradient by taking samples from a single Markov chain |
CSingleObjectiveResultSet | Result set for single objective algorithm |
CSinglePole | |
CSMSEMOA | Implements the SMS-EMOA |
CSoftClusteringModel | Model for "soft" clustering |
CSoftmaxNeuron | |
CSphere | Convex quadratic benchmark function |
CSquaredEpsilonHingeLoss | Hinge-loss for large margin regression using th squared two-norm |
CSquaredHingeCSvmTrainer | |
CSquaredHingeLinearCSvmTrainer | |
CSquaredHingeLoss | Squared Hinge-loss for large margin classification |
CSquaredLoss | Squared loss for regression and classification |
CSquaredLoss< OutputType, unsigned int > | |
CSquaredLoss< Sequence, Sequence > | |
CState | Represents the State of an Object |
CSteepestDescent | Standard steepest descent |
CSubrangeKernel | Weighted sum of kernel functions |
CSvmLogisticInterpretation | Maximum-likelihood model selection score for binary support vector machines |
CSvmProblem | |
CSvmShrinkingProblem | |
CTanhNeuron | Neuron which computes the hyperbolic tangenst with range [-1,1] |
CTemperedMarkovChain | |
CTimer | Timer abstraction with microsecond resolution |
CTournamentSelection | Tournament selection operator |
CTrainingError | This stopping criterion tracks the improvement of the error function of the training error over an interval of iterations |
CTrainingProgress | This stopping criterion tracks the improvement of the training error over an interval of iterations |
CTransformedData | |
CTreeConstruction | Stopping criteria for tree construction |
CTreeNearestNeighbors | Nearest Neighbors implementation using binary trees |
CTruncatedExponentialLayer | A layer of truncated exponential neurons |
CTrustRegionNewton | Simple Trust-Region method based on the full Hessian matrix |
CTukeyBiweightLoss | Tukey's Biweight-loss for robust regression |
CTwoNormRegularizer | Two-norm of the input as an objective function |
CTwoPointStepSizeAdaptation | Step size adaptation based on the success of the new population compared to the old |
CTwoStateSpace | The TwoStateSpace is a discrete Space with only two values, for example {0,1} or {-1,1} |
CTypedFeatureNotAvailableException | Exception indicating the attempt to use a feature which is not supported |
CTypedFlags | Flexible and extensible mechanisms for holding flags |
CUniformCrossover | Uniform crossover of arbitrary individuals |
CUniformRankingSelection | Selects individuals from the range of individual and offspring individuals |
CUnlabeledData | Data set for unsupervised learning |
CValidatedSingleObjectiveResultSet | Result set for validated points |
CValidatedStoppingCriterion | Given the current Result set of the optimizer, calculates the validation error using a validation function and hands the results over to the underlying stopping criterion |
CVariationalAutoencoderError | Computes the variational autoencoder error function |
CWave | Noisy sinc function: y = sin(x) / x + noise |
CWeightedDataBatch | |
CWeightedDataPair | Input-Label pair of data |
CWeightedLabeledData | Weighted data set for supervised learning |
►CWeightedSumKernel | Weighted sum of kernel functions |
CtBase | Structure describing a single m_base kernel |
CWeightedUnlabeledData | Weighted data set for unsupervised learning |
CWS2MaximumGradientCriterion | Working set selection by maximization of the projected gradient |
CZDT1 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function ZDT1 |
CZDT2 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function ZDT2 |
CZDT3 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function ZDT3 |
CZDT4 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function ZDT4 |
CZDT6 | Multi-objective optimization benchmark function ZDT6 |
CZeroOneLoss | 0-1-loss for classification |
CZeroOneLoss< unsigned int, RealVector > | 0-1-loss for classification |