Selected List of Publications by Eugenio Iglesias:
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Journal Articles
J. Eugenio Iglesias and Marleen de Bruijne.
Semi-automatic segmentation of vertebrae in lateral X-rays using a
conditional shape model.
Academic Radiology, 2007.
(Edited) Books, Proceedings, Journals, and Ph.D. theses
Refereed Conference Articles and Book Contributions
J. Eugenio Iglesias, Marleen de Bruijne, Marco Loog, Francois B. Lauze, and
Mads Nielsen.
A family of principal component analyses for dealing with outliers.
In Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention
(MICCAI), 2007.
Theses, Technical Reports, etc.
J. Eugenio Iglesias and Marleen de Bruijne.
Semi-automatic vertebral contour detection.
UK Patent Application filed May 2007.