/home/hauberg/Dokumenter/Capture/humim-tracker-0.1/src/OpenTissue/OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/inverse.h File Reference

Inverse kinematics grand include header. More...

#include <OpenTissue/configuration.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/inverse_bone_traits.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/inverse_chain.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/inverse_compute_jacobian.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/inverse_nonlinear_solver.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/inverse_compute_weighted_difference.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/inverse_set_joint_parameters.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/inverse_get_joint_parameters.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/inverse_get_joint_limits.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/inverse_set_default_joint_settings.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/inverse_make_solver.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/inverse_add_chain.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/inverse_compute_joint_limits_projection.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/inverse_write_benchmarks.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/io/inverse_xml_read.h>
#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/inverse/io/inverse_xml_write.h>

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Detailed Description

Inverse kinematics grand include header.

Kenny Erleben
July 2008
To reduce compile times it is better not to use the include-all header file. Instead include only the exact header files that one needs.

This include header file is intended for the user that do not wont to know the particularities of the inverse kinematics library. The header file basically makes sure to include all other header files relevant to the inverse kinematics library.

To use the Inverse kinematics library one would write


Inverse kinematics is applied to a skeleton, so one needs a skeleton data structure to get started. The skeleton data library can be included by writting

#include <OpenTissue/kinematics/skeleton/skeleton_types.h>

Now one is ready for creating the first types needed by the inverse kinematics library.

typedef ... math_types
typedef OpenTissue::skeleton::DefaultBoneTraits<math_types>              bone_traits;

These two typedefs simply defines what kind of precision, vectors, quaternion and matrix types one wants to use. The bone_tratis type is needed next to form a basis for the specialized inverse kinematics bone traits.

typedef OpenTissue::kinematics::inverse::BoneTraits< bone_traits >       ik_bone_traits;

Now we have a bone traits type that is compatible with the inverse kinematics library. Next one can create a skeleton type

typedef OpenTissue::skeleton::Types<math_types,ik_bone_traits>           skeleton_types;
typedef skeleton_types::skeleton_type                                    skeleton_type;

Finally all that is needed is to create an inverse kinematics solver type. This is done by telling what skeleton type we want to work with.

typedef OpenTissue::kinematics::inverse::NonlinearSolver<skeleton_type>  solver_type;

Now we are ready to use the types. First we will construct a skeleton

skeleton_type skeleton;
// ... initialize skeleton by adding bones or importing data form some file ...

Next we need to tell each bone of the skeleton what type it should be

skeleton_type::bone_type * bone = ... retrieve bone pointer from skeleton ...;
bone->type() = ik_bone_traits::ball_type;
... repeat for all other bones in skeleton ...

Hereafter one can invoke a convenience function which will assist one in completing the initialization of the skeleton and the bones.

OpenTissue::kinematics::inverse::set_default_joint_settings( skeleton );

The method will try to determine joint axes and initial joint parameter values. Now we got a skeleton instance that is initialized and ready for usage. Next we will create an inverse kinmatics solver for the skeleton. Once more we will use a convenience function to assist us in this task.

solver_type solver = OpenTissue::kinematics::inverse::make_solver( skeleton );

This convenience function will tie the skeleton to the solver and by default create inverse kinematic chains. The skeleton three structure is used as the basis for the chain creation. Every leaf bone will correspond to one end-effector in one chain and all chains will share the same root bone. Afterwards one can iterate through the created inverse kinematic chains.

solver_type::chain_iterator chain = solver.chain_begin();
solver_type::chain_iterator end   = solver.chain_end();
   ... do something with chain ...

One can store the chain iterators for later manipulation. During a simulation loop one would typical use the chain iterators to set up desired goal placments for the end-effector of a chain. Here is a code snippet illustrating how to do this.

chain_iterator chain = ....;

chain->p_global() = vector3_type(....);
chain->x_global() = vector3_type(....);
chain->y_global() = vector3_type(....);

After having specified the goal placments one is ready for solving the inverse kinmatics problem.


That is it. Next one can render the skin og skeleton and/or the bones. Notice that upon return from the solve method the skeleton will have been updated such that both the relative and absolute bone transforms match the solution found for the inverse kinematics problem. Meaning that there is no need to invoke a compute_pose method on the skeleton prior to performing any rendering.