Iterative Calculation of StatisticsΒΆ

The Shark machine learning library includes a component for iteratively calculating simple descriptive statistics of a sequence of points for experimental evaluation. The class ResultTable includes a simple data aggregation tool that for a set of experiments with different parameters aggregates results over a set of trials. It supports missing values to reflect failed trials as well. The class Statistics takes these results to cpmpute a set of statistics. The class offers the possibility to label the dimensions of the points and statistics to automatically generate human readable output, for example in a csv table.

For this simple application, we are going to generate some points from a gaussian distribution and then mark some points as missing. For this experiment, we need the following header files:

#include <shark/Statistics/Statistics.h>
#include <shark/Core/Random.h>

We start out by creating an object of class ResultTable. We give the table a name and also label the inputs as to generate a more readable output later on:

statistics::ResultTable<double> table(2,"VarianceOfGaussian");//set a name for the results

Now we feed numbers into this object. For demonstration purposes we sample 10,000 i.i.d. standard normally distributed values with varying variance. To simulate a failed experiment, we make a coin toss for variable two and mark this input as missing. Finally, we insert the values into the table:

// Fill the table with randomly generated numbers for different variances and mean and also add missing values
for(std::size_t k = 1; k != 10; ++k){
        double var= 10.0*k;
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++){
                double value1=random::gauss(random::globalRng, 0,var);
                double value2=random::gauss(random::globalRng, 0,var);
                if(random::coinToss(random::globalRng) == 1)
                table.update(var,value1,value2 );

Next, we generate a Statistics object and add the statistics, here we use Mean, Variance and Percentage of Missing values:

statistics::Statistics<double> stats(&table);
stats.addStatistic(statistics::Mean());//adds a statistic "Mean" for each variable
stats.addStatistic("Variance", statistics::Variance());//explicit name
stats.addStatistic("Missing", statistics::FractionMissing());

We can output a summary as csv file to the console:


The results looks similar to:

# VarianceOfGausian Mean-input1 Mean-input2 Variance-input1 Variance-input2 Missing-input1 Missing-input2
10 0.00500042 -0.073452 9.77016 10.1016 0 0.5061
20 0.0359687 -0.0400334 20.1318 20.2767 0 0.5038
30 0.0216264 -0.120275 30.3096 29.0293 0 0.5044
40 -0.0301033 0.0995221 40.3523 40.4839 0 0.4961
50 0.00692523 0.118349 48.9781 50.5156 0 0.4936
60 -0.0133728 -0.0109795 57.4287 59.8386 0 0.4903
70 -0.190326 0.0259554 67.0553 70.0034 0 0.4987
80 -0.0198076 -0.0493343 83.1629 78.0985 0 0.4917
90 -0.103546 -0.263991 92.152 89.3462 0 0.4992