Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===========================================================================
2 /*!
3  *
4  *
5  * \brief Principal Component Analysis
6  *
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * \author T. Glasmachers, C. Igel
11  * \date 2010, 2011
12  *
13  *
14  * \par Copyright 1995-2017 Shark Development Team
15  *
16  * <BR><HR>
17  * This file is part of Shark.
18  * <http://shark-ml.org/>
19  *
20  * Shark is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
21  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
22  * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
23  * (at your option) any later version.
24  *
25  * Shark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
26  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
28  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
29  *
30  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
31  * along with Shark. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
32  *
33  */
34 //===========================================================================
40 #include <shark/Core/DLLSupport.h>
44 namespace shark{
46 /*!
47  * \brief Principal Component Analysis
48  *
49  * The Principal Component Analysis, also known as
50  * Karhunen-Loeve transformation, takes a symmetric
51  * \f$ n \times n \f$ matrix \f$ A \f$ and uses its decomposition
52  *
53  * \f$
54  * A = \Gamma \Lambda \Gamma^T,
55  * \f$
56  *
57  * where \f$ \Lambda \f$ is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues
58  * of \f$ A \f$ and \f$ \Gamma \f$ is the orthogonal matrix
59  * with the corresponding eigenvectors as columns.
60  * \f$ \Lambda \f$ then defines a successive orthogonal rotation
61  * that maximizes the variances of the coordinates, i.e. the
62  * coordinate system is rotated in such a way that the correlation
63  * between the new axes becomes zero. If there are \f$ p \f$ axes,
64  * the first axis is rotated in a way that the points on the new axis
65  * have maximum variance. Then the remaining \f$ p - 1 \f$ axes are
66  * rotated such that a another axis covers a maximum part of the rest
67  * variance, that is not covered by the first axis. After the
68  * rotation of \f$ p - 1 \f$ axes, the rotation destination of axis
69  * no. \f$ p \f$ is fixed. An application for PCA is the reduction
70  * of dimensions by skipping the components with the least
71  * corresponding eigenvalues/variances. Furthermore, the eigenvalues
72  * may be rescaled to one, resulting in a whitening of the data.
73  */
74 class PCA : public AbstractUnsupervisedTrainer<LinearModel<> >
75 {
76 private:
78 public:
81  /// Constructor.
82  /// The parameter defines whether the model should also
83  /// whiten the data.
84  PCA(bool whitening = false)
85  : m_whitening(whitening){
86  m_algorithm = AUTO;
87  };
88  /// Constructor.
89  /// The parameter defines whether the model should also
90  /// whiten the data.
91  /// The eigendecomposition of the data is stored inthe PCA object.
92  PCA(UnlabeledData<RealVector> const& inputs, bool whitening = false)
93  : m_whitening(whitening){
94  m_algorithm = AUTO;
95  setData(inputs);
96  };
98  /// \brief From INameable: return the class name.
99  std::string name() const
100  { return "PCA"; }
102  /// If set to true, the encoded data has unit variance along
103  /// the new coordinates.
104  void setWhitening(bool whitening) {
105  m_whitening = whitening;
106  }
108  /// Train the model to perform PCA. The model must be a
109  /// LinearModel object with offset, and its output dimension
110  /// defines the number of principal components
111  /// represented. The model returned is the one given by the
112  /// econder() function (i.e., mapping from the original input
113  /// space to the PCA coordinate system).
114  void train(LinearModel<>& model, UnlabeledData<RealVector> const& inputs) {
115  std::size_t m = model.outputShape().numElements(); ///< reduced dimensionality
116  setData(inputs); // compute PCs
117  encoder(model, m); // define the model
118  }
121  //! Sets the input data and performs the PCA. This is a
122  //! computationally costly operation. The eigendecomposition
123  //! of the data is stored inthe PCA object.
126  //! Returns a model mapping the original data to the
127  //! m-dimensional PCA coordinate system.
128  SHARK_EXPORT_SYMBOL void encoder(LinearModel<>& model, std::size_t m = 0);
130  //! Returns a model mapping encoded data from the
131  //! m-dimensional PCA coordinate system back to the
132  //! n-dimensional original coordinate system.
133  SHARK_EXPORT_SYMBOL void decoder(LinearModel<>& model, std::size_t m = 0);
135  /// Eigenvalues of last training. The number of eigenvalues
136  //! is equal to the minimum of the input dimensions (i.e.,
137  //! number of attributes) and the number of data points used
138  //! for training the PCA.
139  RealVector const& eigenvalues() const {
140  return m_eigenvalues;
141  }
142  /// Returns ith eigenvalue.
143  double eigenvalue(std::size_t i) const {
144  SIZE_CHECK( i < m_l );
145  if( i < m_eigenvalues.size())
146  return m_eigenvalues(i);
147  return 0.;
148  }
150  //! Eigenvectors of last training. The number of eigenvectors
151  //! is equal to the minimum of the input dimensions (i.e.,
152  //! number of attributes) and the number of data points used
153  //! for training the PCA.
154  RealMatrix const& eigenvectors() const{
155  return m_eigenvectors;
156  }
158  /// mean of last training
159  RealVector const& mean() const{
160  return m_mean;
161  }
163 protected:
164  bool m_whitening; ///< normalize variance yes/no
165  RealMatrix m_eigenvectors; ///< eigenvectors
166  RealVector m_eigenvalues; ///< eigenvalues
167  RealVector m_mean; ///< mean value
169  std::size_t m_n; ///< number of attributes
170  std::size_t m_l; ///< number of training data points
172  PCAAlgorithm m_algorithm; ///< whether to use design matrix or its transpose for building covariance matrix
173 };
176 }
177 #endif // SHARK_ML_TRAINER_PCA_H