Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===========================================================================
2 /*!
3  *
4  *
5  * \brief GridSearch.h
6  *
7  *
8  *
9  * \author O. Krause
10  * \date 2010
11  *
12  *
13  * \par Copyright 1995-2017 Shark Development Team
14  *
15  * <BR><HR>
16  * This file is part of Shark.
17  * <>
18  *
19  * Shark is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
20  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
21  * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
22  * (at your option) any later version.
23  *
24  * Shark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
25  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
27  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
28  *
29  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
30  * along with Shark. If not, see <>.
31  *
32  */
33 //===========================================================================
40 #include <shark/Core/Random.h>
42 #include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
45 namespace shark {
47 //!
48 //! \brief Optimize by trying out a grid of configurations
49 //!
50 //! \par
51 //! The GridSearch class allows for the definition of a grid in
52 //! parameter space. It does a simple one-step optimization over
53 //! the grid by trying out every possible parameter combination.
54 //! Please note that the computation effort grows exponentially
55 //! with the number of parameters.
56 //!
57 //! \par
58 //! If you only want to try a subset of the grid, consider using
59 //! the PointSearch class instead.
60 //! A more sophisticated (less exhaustive) grid search variant is
61 //! available with the NestedGridSearch class.
62 //!
63 class GridSearch : public AbstractSingleObjectiveOptimizer<RealVector >
64 {
65 public:
67  m_configured=false;
68  }
70  /// \brief From INameable: return the class name.
71  std::string name() const
72  {
73  return "GridSearch";
74  }
76  //! uniform initialization for all parameters
77  //! \param params number of model parameters to optimize
78  //! \param min smallest parameter value
79  //! \param max largest parameter value
80  //! \param numSections total number of values in the interval
81  void configure(size_t params, double min, double max, size_t numSections)
82  {
83  SIZE_CHECK(params>=1);
84  RANGE_CHECK(min<=max);
85  SIZE_CHECK(numSections>=1);
86  m_nodeValues.resize(params);
87  for (size_t i = 0; i < numSections; i++)
88  {
89  double section = min + i * (max - min) / (numSections - 1.0);
90  for(auto& node: m_nodeValues)
91  node.push_back(section);
92  }
93  m_configured=true;
94  }
96  //! individual definition for every parameter
97  //! \param min smallest value for every parameter
98  //! \param max largest value for every parameter
99  //! \param sections total number of values for every parameter
100  void configure(const std::vector<double>& min, const std::vector<double>& max, const std::vector<size_t>& sections)
101  {
102  size_t params = min.size();
103  SIZE_CHECK(sections.size() == params);
104  SIZE_CHECK(max.size() == params);
105  RANGE_CHECK(min <= max);
107  m_nodeValues.resize(params);
108  for (size_t dimension = 0; dimension < params; dimension++)
109  {
110  size_t numSections = sections[dimension];
111  std::vector<double>& node = m_nodeValues[dimension];
112  node.resize(numSections);
114  if ( numSections == 1 )
115  {
116  node[0] = (( min[dimension] + max[dimension] ) / 2.0);
117  }
118  else for (size_t section = 0; section < numSections; section++)
119  {
120  node[section] = (min[dimension] + section * (max[dimension] - min[dimension]) / (numSections - 1.0));
121  }
122  }
123  m_configured=true;
124  }
127  //! special case for 2D grid, individual definition for every parameter
128  //! \param min1 smallest value for first parameter
129  //! \param max1 largest value for first parameter
130  //! \param sections1 total number of values for first parameter
131  //! \param min2 smallest value for second parameter
132  //! \param max2 largest value for second parameter
133  //! \param sections2 total number of values for second parameter
134  void configure(double min1, double max1, size_t sections1, double min2, double max2, size_t sections2)
135  {
136  RANGE_CHECK(min1<=max1);
137  RANGE_CHECK(min2<=max2);
138  RANGE_CHECK(sections1 > 0);
139  RANGE_CHECK(sections2 > 0);
141  m_nodeValues.resize(2u);
143  if ( sections1 == 1 ) {
144  m_nodeValues[0].push_back(( min1 + max1 ) / 2.0);
145  } else {
146  for (size_t section = 0; section < sections1; section++)
147  m_nodeValues[0].push_back(min1 + section * (max1 - min1) / (sections1 - 1.0));
148  }
150  if ( sections2 == 1 ) {
151  m_nodeValues[1].push_back(( min2 + max2 ) / 2.0);
152  } else {
153  for (size_t section = 0; section < sections2; section++)
154  m_nodeValues[1].push_back(min2 + section * (max2 - min2) / (sections2 - 1.0));
155  }
156  }
158  //! special case for line search
159  //! \param min1 smallest value for first parameter
160  //! \param max1 largest value for first parameter
161  //! \param sections1 total number of values for first parameter
162  void configure(double min1, double max1, size_t sections1)
163  {
164  RANGE_CHECK(min1<=max1);
165  RANGE_CHECK(sections1 > 0);
167  m_nodeValues.resize(1u);
169  if ( sections1 == 1 ) {
170  m_nodeValues[0].push_back(( min1 + max1 ) / 2.0);
171  } else {
172  for (size_t section = 0; section < sections1; section++)
173  m_nodeValues[0].push_back(min1 + section * (max1 - min1) / (sections1 - 1.0));
174  }
175  }
178  //! uniform definition of the values to test for all parameters
179  //! \param params number of model parameters to optimize
180  //! \param values values used for every coordinate
181  void configure(size_t params, const std::vector<double>& values)
182  {
183  SIZE_CHECK(params > 0);
184  SIZE_CHECK(values.size() > 0);
185  m_nodeValues.resize(params);
186  for(auto& node: m_nodeValues)
187  node=values;
188  m_configured=true;
189  }
191  //! individual definition for every parameter
192  //! \param values values used. The first dimension is the parameter, the second dimension is the node.
193  void configure(const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& values)
194  {
195  SIZE_CHECK(values.size() > 0);
196  m_nodeValues = values;
197  m_configured=true;
198  }
200  //from ISerializable
201  virtual void read( InArchive & archive )
202  {
203  archive>>m_nodeValues;
204  archive>>m_configured;
205  archive>>m_best.point;
206  archive>>m_best.value;
207  }
209  virtual void write( OutArchive & archive ) const
210  {
211  archive<<m_nodeValues;
212  archive<<m_configured;
213  archive<<m_best.point;
214  archive<<m_best.value;
215  }
217  /*! If Gridsearch wasn't configured before calling this method, it is default constructed
218  * as a net spanning the range [-1,1] in all dimensions with 5 searchpoints (-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1).
219  * so don't forget to scale the parameter-ranges of the objective function!
220  * The startingPoint can actually be anything, only its dimension has to be correct.
221  */
222  virtual void init(ObjectiveFunctionType const& objectiveFunction, SearchPointType const& startingPoint) {
223  checkFeatures(objectiveFunction);
225  if(!m_configured)
226  configure(startingPoint.size(),-1,1,5);
227  SIZE_CHECK(startingPoint.size() == m_nodeValues.size());
228  m_best.point=startingPoint;
229  }
231  /*! Assign linearly progressing grid values to one certain parameter only.
232  * This is especially useful if one parameter needs special treatment
233  * \param index the index of the parameter to which grid values are assigned
234  * \param noOfSections how many grid points should be assigned to that parameter
235  * \param min smallest value for that parameter
236  * \param max largest value for that parameter */
237  void assignLinearRange(size_t index, size_t noOfSections, double min, double max)
238  {
239  SIZE_CHECK( noOfSections >= 1);
240  RANGE_CHECK( min <= max );
241  SIZE_CHECK( index < m_nodeValues.size() );
243  m_nodeValues[index].clear();
244  if ( noOfSections == 1 ) {
245  m_nodeValues[index].push_back(( min+max) / 2.0);
246  }
247  else {
248  m_nodeValues[index].reserve(noOfSections);
249  for (size_t section = 0; section < noOfSections; section++)
250  m_nodeValues[index].push_back(min + section*( max-min ) / ( noOfSections-1.0 ));
251  }
252  }
254  /*! Set exponentially progressing grid values for one certain parameter only.
255  * This is especially useful if one parameter needs special treatment. The
256  * grid points will be filled with values \f$ factor \cdot expbase ^i \f$,
257  * where i does integer steps between min and max.
258  * \param index the index of the parameter that gets new grid values
259  * \param factor the value that the exponential base grid should be multiplied by
260  * \param exp_base the exponential grid will progress on this base (e.g. 2, 10)
261  * \param min the smallest exponent for exp_base
262  * \param max the largest exponent for exp_base */
263  void assignExponentialRange(size_t index, double factor, double exp_base, int min, int max)
264  {
265  SIZE_CHECK( min <= max );
266  RANGE_CHECK( index < m_nodeValues.size() );
268  m_nodeValues[index].clear();
269  m_nodeValues[index].reserve(max-min);
270  for (int section = 0; section <= (max-min); section++)
271  m_nodeValues[index].push_back( factor * std::pow( exp_base, section+min ));
272  }
274  //! Please note that for the grid search optimizer it does
275  //! not make sense to call step more than once, as the
276  //! solution does not improve iteratively.
277  void step(ObjectiveFunctionType const& objectiveFunction) {
278  size_t dimensions = m_nodeValues.size();
279  std::vector<size_t> index(dimensions, 0);
280  m_best.value = 1e100;
281  RealVector point(dimensions);
283  // loop through all grid points
284  while (true)
285  {
286  // define the parameters
287  for (size_t dimension = 0; dimension < dimensions; dimension++)
288  point(dimension) = m_nodeValues[dimension][index[dimension]];
290  // evaluate the model
291  if (objectiveFunction.isFeasible(point))
292  {
293  double error = objectiveFunction.eval(point);
295 #ifdef SHARK_CV_VERBOSE_1
296  std::cout << "." << std::flush;
297 #endif
299  std::cout << point << "\t" << error << std::endl;
300 #endif
301  if (error < m_best.value)
302  {
303  m_best.value = error;
304  m_best.point = point; // [TG] swap() solution is out, caused ugly memory bug, I changed this back
305  }
306  }
308  // next index
309  size_t dimension = 0;
310  for (; dimension < dimensions; dimension++)
311  {
312  index[dimension]++;
313  if (index[dimension] < m_nodeValues[dimension].size()) break;
314  index[dimension] = 0;
315  }
316  if (dimension == dimensions) break;
317  }
318 #ifdef SHARK_CV_VERBOSE_1
319  std::cout << std::endl;
320 #endif
321  }
323 protected:
325  //! The array columns contain the grid values for the corresponding parameter axis.
326  std::vector<std::vector<double> > m_nodeValues;
329 };
332 //!
333 //! \brief Nested grid search
334 //!
335 //! \par
336 //! The NestedGridSearch class is an iterative optimizer,
337 //! doing one grid search in every iteration. In every
338 //! iteration, it halves the grid extent doubling the
339 //! resolution in every coordinate.
340 //!
341 //! \par
342 //! Although nested grid search is much less exhaustive
343 //! than standard grid search, it still suffers from
344 //! exponential time and memory complexity in the number
345 //! of variables optimized. Therefore, if the number of
346 //! variables is larger than 2 or 3, consider using the
347 //! CMA instead.
348 //!
349 //! \par
350 //! Nested grid search works as follows: The optimizer
351 //! defined a 5x5x...x5 equi-distant grid (depending on
352 //! the search space dimension) on an initially defined
353 //! search cube. During every grid search iteration,
354 //! the error is computed for all grid points.
355 //!Then the grid is moved
356 //! to the best grid point found so far and contracted
357 //! by a factor of two in each dimension. Each call to
358 //! the optimize() function performs one such step.
359 //!
360 //! \par
361 //! Let N denote the number of parameters to optimize.
362 //! To compute the error landscape at the current
363 //! zoom level, the algorithm has to do \f$ 5^N \f$
364 //! error function evaluations in every iteration.
365 //!
366 //! \par
367 //! The grid is always centered around the best
368 //! solution currently known. If this solution is
369 //! located at the boundary, the landscape may exceed
370 //! the parameter range defined m_minimum and m_maximum.
371 //! These invalid landscape values are not used.
372 //!
374 {
375 public:
376  //! Constructor
378  {
379  m_configured=false;
380  }
382  /// \brief From INameable: return the class name.
383  std::string name() const
384  {
385  return "NestedGridSearch";
386  }
388  //!
389  //! \brief Initialization of the nested grid search.
390  //!
391  //! \par
392  //! The min and max arrays define ranges for every parameter to optimize.
393  //! These ranges are strict, that is, the algorithm will not try values
394  //! beyond the range, even if is finds a boundary minimum.
395  //!
396  //! \param min lower end of the parameter range
397  //! \param max upper end of the parameter range
398  void configure(const std::vector<double>& min, const std::vector<double>& max)
399  {
400  size_t dimensions = min.size();
401  SIZE_CHECK(max.size() == dimensions);
403  m_minimum = min;
404  m_maximum = max;
406  m_stepsize.resize(dimensions);
407  m_best.point.resize(dimensions);
408  for (size_t dimension = 0; dimension < dimensions; dimension++)
409  {
410  m_best.point(dimension)=0.5 *(min[dimension] + max[dimension]);
411  m_stepsize[dimension] = 0.25 * (max[dimension] - min[dimension]);
412  }
413  m_configured=true;
414  }
416  //!
417  //! \brief Initialization of the nested grid search.
418  //!
419  //! \par
420  //! The min and max values define ranges for every parameter to optimize.
421  //! These ranges are strict, that is, the algorithm will not try values
422  //! beyond the range, even if is finds a boundary minimum.
423  //!
424  //! \param parameters number of parameters to optimize
425  //! \param min lower end of the parameter range
426  //! \param max upper end of the parameter range
427  void configure(size_t parameters, double min, double max)
428  {
429  SIZE_CHECK(parameters > 0);
431  m_minimum=std::vector<double>(parameters,min);
432  m_maximum=std::vector<double>(parameters,max);
433  m_stepsize=std::vector<double>(parameters,0.25 * (max - min));
435  m_best.point.resize(parameters);
437  double start=0.5 *(min + max);
438  for(double& value: m_best.point)
439  value=start;
440  m_configured=true;
441  }
443  //from ISerializable
444  virtual void read( InArchive & archive )
445  {
446  archive>>m_minimum;
447  archive>>m_maximum;
448  archive>>m_stepsize;
449  archive>>m_configured;
450  archive>>m_best.point;
451  archive>>m_best.value;
452  }
454  virtual void write( OutArchive & archive ) const
455  {
456  archive<<m_minimum;
457  archive<<m_maximum;
458  archive<<m_stepsize;
459  archive<<m_configured;
460  archive<<m_best.point;
461  archive<<m_best.value;
462  }
464  //! if NestedGridSearch was not configured before this call, it is default initialized ti the range[-1,1] for every parameter
465  virtual void init(ObjectiveFunctionType const& objectiveFunction, SearchPointType const& startingPoint) {
466  checkFeatures(objectiveFunction);
468  if(!m_configured)
469  configure(startingPoint.size(),-1,1);
470  SIZE_CHECK(m_stepsize.size()==startingPoint.size());
472  }
476  //! Every call of the optimization member computes the
477  //! error landscape on the current grid. It picks the
478  //! best error value and zooms into the error landscape
479  //! by a factor of 2.
480  void step(ObjectiveFunctionType const& objectiveFunction) {
481  size_t dimensions = m_stepsize.size();
482  SIZE_CHECK(m_minimum.size() == dimensions);
483  SIZE_CHECK(m_maximum.size() == dimensions);
485  m_best.value = 1e99;
486  std::vector<size_t> index(dimensions,0);
488  RealVector point=m_best.point;
490  // loop through the grid
491  while (true)
492  {
493  // compute the grid point,
495  // set the parameters
496  bool compute=true;
497  for (size_t d = 0; d < dimensions; d++)
498  {
499  point(d) += (index[d] - 2.0) * m_stepsize[d];
500  if (point(d) < m_minimum[d] || point(d) > m_maximum[d])
501  {
502  compute = false;
503  break;
504  }
505  }
507  // evaluate the grid point
508  if (compute && objectiveFunction.isFeasible(point))
509  {
510  double error = objectiveFunction.eval(point);
512  // remember the best solution
513  if (error < m_best.value)
514  {
515  m_best.value = error;
516  m_best.point=point;
517  }
518  }
519  // move to the next grid point
520  size_t d = 0;
521  for (; d < dimensions; d++)
522  {
523  index[d]++;
524  if (index[d] <= 4) break;
525  index[d] = 0;
526  }
527  if (d == dimensions) break;
528  }
529  // decrease the step sizes
530  for(double& step: m_stepsize)
531  step *= 0.5;
532  }
534 protected:
535  //! minimum parameter value to check
536  std::vector<double> m_minimum;
538  //! maximum parameter value to check
539  std::vector<double> m_maximum;
541  //! current step size for every parameter
542  std::vector<double> m_stepsize;
545 };
548 //!
549 //! \brief Optimize by trying out predefined configurations
550 //!
551 //! \par
552 //! The PointSearch class is similair to the GridSearch class
553 //! by the property that it optimizes a model in a single pass
554 //! just trying out a predefined number of parameter configurations.
555 //! The main difference is that every parameter configuration has
556 //! to be explicitly defined. It is not possible to define a set
557 //! of values for every axis; see GridSearch for this purpose.
558 //! Thus, the PointSearch class allows for more flexibility.
559 //!
560 //! If no configure method is called, this class just samples random points.
561 //! They are uniformly distributed in [-1,1].
562 //! parameters^2 points but minimum 20 are sampled in this case.
563 //!
565 {
566 public:
567  //! Constructor
569  m_configured=false;
570  }
572  /// \brief From INameable: return the class name.
573  std::string name() const
574  {
575  return "PointSearch";
576  }
578  //! Initialization of the search points.
579  //! \param points array of points to evaluate
580  void configure(const std::vector<RealVector>& points) {
581  m_points=points;
582  m_configured=true;
583  }
585  //!samples random points in the range [min,max]^parameters
586  void configure(size_t parameters,size_t samples, double min,double max) {
587  RANGE_CHECK(min<=max);
588  m_points.resize(samples);
589  for(size_t sample=0; sample!=samples; ++sample)
590  {
591  m_points[sample].resize(parameters);
592  for(size_t param=0; param!=parameters; ++param)
593  {
594  m_points[sample](param)=random::uni(random::globalRng, min,max);
595  }
596  }
597  m_configured=true;
598  }
600  virtual void read( InArchive & archive )
601  {
602  archive>>m_points;
603  archive>>m_configured;
604  archive>>m_best.point;
605  archive>>m_best.value;
606  }
608  virtual void write( OutArchive & archive ) const
609  {
610  archive<<m_points;
611  archive<<m_configured;
612  archive<<m_best.point;
613  archive<<m_best.value;
614  }
616  //! If the class wasn't configured before, this method samples random uniform distributed points in [-1,1]^n.
617  void init(ObjectiveFunctionType const& objectiveFunction, SearchPointType const& startingPoint) {
618  checkFeatures(objectiveFunction);
620  if(!m_configured)
621  {
622  size_t parameters=startingPoint.size();
623  size_t samples=std::min(sqr(parameters),(size_t)20);
624  configure(parameters,samples,-1,1);
625  }
626  }
628  //! Please note that for the point search optimizer it does
629  //! not make sense to call step more than once, as the
630  //! solution does not improve iteratively.
631  void step(ObjectiveFunctionType const& objectiveFunction) {
632  size_t numPoints = m_points.size();
633  m_best.value = 1e100;
634  size_t bestIndex=0;
636  // loop through all points
637  for (size_t point = 0; point < numPoints; point++)
638  {
639  // evaluate the model
640  if (objectiveFunction.isFeasible(m_points[point]))
641  {
642  double error = objectiveFunction.eval(m_points[point]);
643  if (error < m_best.value)
644  {
645  m_best.value = error;
646  bestIndex=point;
647  }
648  }
649  }
650  m_best.point=m_points[bestIndex];
651  }
653 protected:
654  //! The array holds one parameter configuration in every column.
655  std::vector<RealVector> m_points;
657  //! verbosity level
659 };
662 }
663 #endif