Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===========================================================================
2 /*!
3  *
4  *
5  * \brief Efficient quadratic matrix cache
6  *
7  *
8  * \par
9  *
10  *
11  *
12  * \author T. Glasmachers
13  * \date 2007-2012
14  *
15  *
16  * \par Copyright 1995-2017 Shark Development Team
17  *
18  * <BR><HR>
19  * This file is part of Shark.
20  * <>
21  *
22  * Shark is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
23  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
24  * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
25  * (at your option) any later version.
26  *
27  * Shark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
31  *
32  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
33  * along with Shark. If not, see <>.
34  *
35  */
36 //===========================================================================
42 #include <shark/Data/Dataset.h>
43 #include <shark/LinAlg/Base.h>
44 #include <shark/LinAlg/LRUCache.h>
46 #include <vector>
47 #include <cmath>
50 namespace shark {
53 ///
54 /// \brief Efficient quadratic matrix cache
55 ///
56 /// \par
57 /// The access operations of the CachedMatrix class
58 /// are specially tuned towards the iterative solution
59 /// of quadratic programs resulting in sparse solutions.
60 ///
61 /// \par
62 /// The kernel cache is probably one of the most intricate
63 /// or mind-twisting parts of Shark. In order to fully understand
64 /// it, reading the source code is essential and this description
65 /// naturally not sufficient. However, the general ideas are as
66 /// follows:
67 ///
68 /// \par
69 /// A CachedMatrix owns a pointer to a regular (non-cached)
70 /// kernel matrix, the exact type of which is a template
71 /// parameter. Through it, the actions of requesting an entry
72 /// and propagating column-/row-flips are carried out. Even
73 /// though a CachedMatrix offers some methods also offered
74 /// by the general KernelMatrix, note that it does not inherit
75 /// from it in order to offer greater flexibility.
76 ///
77 /// \par
78 /// The CachedMatrix defines a struct tCacheEntry, which
79 /// represents one row of varying length of a stored kernel matrix.
80 /// The structure aggregates a pointer to the kernel values (stored
81 /// as values of type CacheType); the number of stored values; and
82 /// the indices of the next older and newer cache entries. The latter
83 /// two indices pertain to the fact that the CachedMatrix maintains
84 /// two different "orders" of the examples: one related to location
85 /// in memory, and the other related to last usage time, see below.
86 /// During the lifetime of a CachedMatrix, it will hold a vector of
87 /// the length of the number of examples of tCacheEntry: one entry
88 /// for each example. When an example has no kernel values in the cache,
89 /// its tCacheEntry.length will be 0, its will be NULL,
90 /// and its older and newer variables will be SHARK_CACHEDMATRIX_NULL_REFERENCE.
91 /// Otherwise, the entries take their corresponding meaningful values.
92 /// In particular for, memory is dynamically allocated
93 /// via malloc, reallocated via realloc, and freed via free as fit.
94 ///
95 /// \par
96 /// A basic operation the CachedMatrix must support is throwing away
97 /// old stored values to make room for new values, because it is very
98 /// common that not all values fit into memory (otherwise, consider the
99 /// PrecomputedMatrix class). When a new row is requested via row(..),
100 /// but no room to store it, row(..) has two options for making space:
101 ///
102 /// \par
103 /// First option: first, the row method checks if the member index
104 /// m_truncationColumnIndex is lower than the overall number of examples.
105 /// If so, it goes through all existing rows and shortens them to a length
106 /// of m_truncationColumnIndex. Through this shortening, memory becomes
107 /// available. In other words, m_truncationColumnIndex can be used to
108 /// indicate to the CachedMatrix that every row longer than
109 /// m_truncationColumnIndex can be clipped at the end. By default,
110 /// m_truncationColumnIndex is equal to the number of examples and not
111 /// changed by the CachedMatrix, so no clipping will occur if the
112 /// CachedMatrix is left to its own devices. However, m_truncationColumnIndex
113 /// can be set from externally via setTruncationIndex(..) [this might be
114 /// done after a shrinking event, for example]. Now imagine a situation
115 /// where the cache is full, and the possibility exists to free some
116 /// memory by truncating longer cache rows to length m_truncationColumnIndex.
117 /// As soon as enough rows have been clipped for a new row to fit in, the
118 /// CachedMatrix computes the new row and passes back control. Most likely,
119 /// the next time a new, uncached row is requested, more rows will have to
120 /// get clipped. In order not to start checking if rows can be clipped from
121 /// the very first row over again, the member variable m_truncationRowIndex
122 /// internally stores where the chopping-procedure left off the last time.
123 /// When a new row is requested and it's time to clear out old entries, it
124 /// will start looking for choppable rows at this index to save time. In
125 /// general, any chopping would happen via cacheResize(..) internally.
126 ///
127 /// \par
128 /// Second option: if all rows have been chopped of at the end, or if this
129 /// has never been an option (due to all rows being shorter or equal to
130 /// m_truncationColumnIndex anyways), entire rows will get discarded as
131 /// the second option. This will probably be the more common case. In
132 /// general, row deletions will happen via cacheDelete(..) internally.
133 /// The CachedMatrix itself only resorts to a very simple heuristic in
134 /// order to determine which rows to throw away to make room for new ones.
135 /// Namely, the CachedMatrix keeps track of the "age" or "oldness" of all
136 /// cached rows. This happens via the so-to-speak factually doubly-linked
137 /// list of indices in the tCacheEntry.older/newer entries, plus two class
138 /// members m_cacheNewest and m_cacheOldest, which point to the beginning
139 /// and end of this list. When row(..) wants to delete a cached row, it
140 /// always does so on the row with index m_cacheOldest, and this index is
141 /// then set to the next oldest row. Likewise, whenever a new row is requested,
142 /// m_cacheNewest is set to point to that one. In order to allow for smarter
143 /// heuristics, external classes may intervene with the deletion order via
144 /// the methods cacheRedeclareOldest and cacheRedeclareNewest, which move
145 /// an example to be deleted next or as late as possible, respectively.
146 ///
147 /// \par
148 /// Two more drastic possibilites to influence the cache behaviour are
149 /// cacheRowResize and cacheRowRelease, which both directly resize (e.g.,
150 /// chop off) cached row values or even discard the row altogether.
151 /// In general however, it is preferred that the external application
152 /// only indicate preferences for deletion, because it will usually not
153 /// have information on the fullness of the cache (although this functionality
154 /// could easily be added).
155 ///
156 template <class Matrix>
158 {
159 public:
160  typedef typename Matrix::QpFloatType QpFloatType;
162  /// Constructor
163  /// \param base Matrix to cache
164  /// \param cachesize Main memory to use as a kernel cache, in QpFloatTypes. Default is 256MB if QpFloatType is float, 512 if double.
165  CachedMatrix(Matrix* base, std::size_t cachesize = 0x4000000)
166  : mep_baseMatrix(base), m_cache( base->size(),cachesize ){}
168  /// \brief Copies the range [start,end) of the k-th row of the matrix in external storage
169  ///
170  /// This call regards the access to the line as out-of-order, thus the cache is not influenced.
171  /// \param k the index of the row
172  /// \param start the index of the first element in the range
173  /// \param end the index of the last element in the range
174  /// \param storage the external storage. must be big enough capable to hold the range
175  void row(std::size_t k, std::size_t start,std::size_t end, QpFloatType* storage) const{
176  SIZE_CHECK(start <= end);
177  SIZE_CHECK(end <= size());
178  std::size_t cached= m_cache.lineLength(k);
179  if ( start < cached)//copy already available data into the temporary storage
180  {
181  QpFloatType const* line = m_cache.getLinePointer(k);
182  std::copy(line + start, line+cached, storage);
183  }
184  //evaluate the remaining entries
185  mep_baseMatrix->row(k,cached,end,storage+(cached-start));
186  }
188  /// \brief Return a subset of a matrix row
189  ///
190  /// \par
191  /// This method returns an array of QpFloatType with at least
192  /// the entries in the interval [begin, end[ filled in.
193  ///
194  /// \param k matrix row
195  /// \param start first column to be filled in
196  /// \param end last column to be filled in +1
197  QpFloatType* row(std::size_t k, std::size_t start, std::size_t end){
198  (void)start;//unused
199  //Save amount of entries already cached
200  std::size_t cached= m_cache.lineLength(k);
201  //create or extend cache line
202  QpFloatType* line = m_cache.getCacheLine(k,end);
203  if (end > cached)//compute entries not already cached
204  mep_baseMatrix->row(k,cached,end,line+cached);
205  return line;
206  }
208  /// return a single matrix entry
209  QpFloatType operator () (std::size_t i, std::size_t j) const{
210  return entry(i, j);
211  }
213  /// return a single matrix entry
214  QpFloatType entry(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) const{
215  return mep_baseMatrix->entry(i, j);
216  }
218  ///
219  /// \brief Swap the rows i and j and the columns i and j
220  ///
221  /// \par
222  /// It may be advantageous for caching to reorganize
223  /// the column order. In order to keep symmetric matrices
224  /// symmetric the rows are swapped, too. This corresponds
225  /// to swapping the corresponding variables.
226  ///
227  /// \param i first row/column index
228  /// \param j second row/column index
229  ///
230  void flipColumnsAndRows(std::size_t i, std::size_t j)
231  {
232  if(i == j)
233  return;
234  if (i > j)
235  std::swap(i,j);
237  // exchange all cache row entries
238  for (std::size_t k = 0; k < size(); k++)
239  {
240  std::size_t length = m_cache.lineLength(k);
241  if(length <= i) continue;
242  QpFloatType* line = m_cache.getLinePointer(k);//do not affect caching
243  if (j < length)
244  std::swap(line[i], line[j]);
245  else // only one element is available from the cache
246  line[i] = mep_baseMatrix->entry(k, j);
247  }
249  mep_baseMatrix->flipColumnsAndRows(i, j);
250  }
252  /// return the size of the quadratic matrix
253  std::size_t size() const
254  { return mep_baseMatrix->size(); }
256  /// return the size of the kernel cache (in "number of QpFloatType-s")
257  std::size_t getMaxCacheSize() const
258  { return m_cache.maxSize(); }
260  /// get currently used size of kernel cache (in "number of QpFloatType-s")
261  std::size_t getCacheSize() const
262  { return m_cache.size(); }
264  /// get length of one specific currently cached row
265  std::size_t getCacheRowSize(std::size_t k) const
266  { return m_cache.lineLength(k); }
268  bool isCached(std::size_t k) const
269  { return m_cache.isCached(k); }
271  ///\brief Restrict the cached part of the matrix to the upper left nxn sub-matrix
272  void setMaxCachedIndex(std::size_t n){
273  SIZE_CHECK(n <=size());
275  //truncate lines which are too long
276  //~ m_cache.restrictLineSize(n);//todo: we can do that better, only resize if the memory is actually needed
277  //~ for(std::size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i){
278  //~ if(m_cache.lineLength(i) > n)
279  //~ m_cache.resizeLine(i,n);
280  //~ }
281  for(std::size_t i = n; i != size(); ++i){//mark the lines for deletion which are not needed anymore
283  }
284  }
286  /// completely clear/purge the kernel cache
287  void clear()
288  { m_cache.clear(); }
290 protected:
291  Matrix* mep_baseMatrix; ///< matrix to be cached
293  LRUCache<QpFloatType> m_cache; ///< cache of the matrix lines
294 };
296 }
297 #endif