Selected List of Publications by Lars Schjøth:

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Journal Articles

Refereed Conference Articles and Book Contributions

  • Lars Schjøth, Jeppe R. Frisvad, Kenny Erleben, and Jon Sporring.
    Photon differentials.
    In Proceedings of GRAPHITE 2007, dec 2007.
  • Lars Schjøth, Ole Fogh Olsen, and Jon Sporring.
    Diffusion based photon mapping.
    In Jos'e Braz, Alpesh Ranchordas, Helder Ara'ujo, and Joaquim Jorge, editors, Advances in Computer Graphics and Computer Vision, volume 4 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 109-122. Springer, 2007.
    Revised and Selected Papers from VISAPP and GRAPP 2006.
  • Lars Schjøth, Ole Fogh Olsen, and Jon Sporring.
    Diffusion based photon mapping.
    In First International conference on Computer Graphics - Theory and Applications - GRAPP 2006, pages 168-175, Set'ubal, Portugal, February 25-28 2006.

Theses, Technical Reports, etc.