Selected List of Publications by QSMBI:

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Journal Articles

  • Erik B. Dam, Jenny Folkesson, Paola Pettersen, and Claus Christiansen.
    Automatic morphometric cartilage quantification in the medial tibial plateau from mri for osteoarthritis grading.
    Osteoarthritis & Cartilage, 15(7):808-818, 2007.
  • Jenny Folkesson, Erik B. Dam, Ole Fogh Olsen, Paola Pettersen, and Claus Christiansen.
    Segmenting articular cartilage automatically using a voxel classification approach.
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 26(1):106-115, 2007.
  • Arish Asif Qazi, Erik B. Dam, Mads Nielsen, Paola Pettersen, Claus Christiansen, and Morten A. Karsdal.
    Osteoarthritic cartilage is more homogeneous than healthy cartilage identification of a superior roi co-localised with a major risk factor for osteoarthritis.
    Academic Radiology, 2007.
  • Arish Asif Qazi, Jenny Folkesson, Paola Pettersen, Claus Christiansen, Erik B. Dam, and Karsdal Morten A.
    Separation of healthy and early osteoarthritis by automatic quantification of cartilage homogeneity.
    Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2007.
  • Arish Asif Qazi, Erik B. Dam, Paola Pettersen, Ole Fogh Olsen, Jenny Folkesson, Claus Christiansen, and Karsdal.Morten.A.
    Is diseased cartilage more homogenous than healthy cartilage?
    OA & Cartilage, supplement, 2006.