Selected List of Publications by Pechin Lo:
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Refereed Conference Articles and Book Contributions
Vladlena Gorbunova, Pechin Lo, Martin Loeve, Harm Tiddens, Jon Sporring, Mads
Nielsen, and Marleen de Bruijne.
Mass preserving registration for lung ct.
In Proceedings of the SPIE: Medical Imaging 2009, Orlando,
Florida, USA, 2009.
Pechin Lo, Jon Sporring, Jesper Johannes Holst Pedersen, and Marleen
de Bruijne.
Airway tree extraction with locally optimal paths.
In MICCAI 2009, London, UK, 2009.
Pechin Lo, Jon Sporring, and Marleen de Bruijne.
Multiscale vessel-guided airway tree segmentation.
In Second International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis,
London, UK, 2009.
Lauge Sørensen, Pechin Lo, Haseem Ashraf, Jon Sporring, Mads Nielsen, and
Marleen de Bruijne.
Learning copd sensitive filters in pulmonary ct.
In MICCAI 2009, London, UK, 2009.
Pechin Lo and Marleen de Bruijne.
Voxel classification based airway tree segmentation.
In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2008.
Pechin Lo, Jon Sporring, Haseem Ashraf, Jesper Johannes Holst Pedersen, and
Marleen de Bruijne.
Vessel-guided airway segmentation based on voxel classification.
In The First International Workshop on Pulmonary Image
Analysis, pages 113-122, New York, USA, 2008.