Selected List of Publications by Kim Steenstrup Pedersen:

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Theses, Technical Reports, etc.

  • Søren Hauberg and Kim Steenstrup Pedersen.
    Humim software for articulated tracking.
    Technical Report 01/2012, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 1, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark, January 2011.
  • David Gustavsson, Kim Steenstrup Pedersen, and Mads Nielsen.
    Multi-scale natural images: a database and some statistics.
    In Søren I. Olsen, editor, Proceedings of 16'th Danish Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (DSAGM) 2008, DIKU Technical Report 08-10. Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 2008.
    Extended abstract.
  • Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll and Kim Steenstrup Pedersen.
    In Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll and Kim Steenstrup Pedersen, editors, Proceedings of the 15th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, volume LNCS 4522 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1. Springer-Verlag, 2007.
  • Kim Steenstrup Pedersen, Pieter van Dorst, and Marco Loog.
    Minimum likelihood image feature and scale detection based on the brownian image model.
    In Gaussian Processes in Practice Workshop, Bletchley Park, England, 2006.
    Extended Abstract Web Publication:
  • Peter Johansen and Kim Steenstrup Pedersen.
    Generalized context learning.
    In Søren Ingvor Olsen, editor, Proceedings fra den 12. Danske Konference om Mønstergenkendelse og Billedbehandling, pages 82-92, 2003.
    DIKU 2003/06.
  • Kim Steenstrup Pedersen and Ann Lee.
    Toward a full probability model of edges in natural images.
    Technical report, Brown University, USA, Division of Applied Mathematics Technical Reports on Applied Probability, Pattern Theory, and Statistics, Brown University, USA, 2002.
    APPTS Report 02-1.
  • Kim Steenstrup Pedersen and Mads Nielsen.
    Computing optic flow by scale-space integration of normal flow.
    In Proceedings of DSAGM'01, Den 10. Danske Konference om Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse, volume Technical Report DIKU-01-04, pages 124 - 135, Copenhagen, Denmark, Ausgust 2001.
  • Ann Lee, Kim Steenstrup Pedersen, and David Mumford.
    The nonlinear statistics of high-contrast patches in natural images.
    Technical report, Brown University, USA, Division of Applied Mathematics Technical Reports on Applied Probability, Pattern Theory, and Statistics, Brown University, USA, 2001.
    APPTS Report 01-3.
  • Kim Steenstrup Pedersen.
    Turbulence in optical flow fields.
    Technical Report DIKU-00-3, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 1, 2100 København Ø, Denmark, 2000.
  • Kim Steenstrup Pedersen and Mads Nielsen.
    The hausdorff dimension and scale-space normalization of 'natural images'.
    In Proceedings of Øresyn'99, Öresund workshop för datamatsyn, Matematikcentrum, Lunds Universitet, January 1999.
  • Kim Steenstrup Pedersen.
    Normalisering af billedafledte i skalarum ved hjælp af den fraktale dimension.
    Technical Report DIKU 99/2, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, 1999.