Namespaces | Classes | Functions

OpenTissue::collision Namespace Reference


namespace  continuous


class  GeometryInterface


template<typename aabb_tree_geometry , typename contact_point_container >
void aabb_tree_against_itself (aabb_tree_geometry const &aabb_tree, contact_point_container &contacts)
template<typename real_type , typename vector3_type , typename matrix3x3_type >
unsigned int box_box (vector3_type p_a, matrix3x3_type R_a, vector3_type const &a, vector3_type p_b, matrix3x3_type R_b, vector3_type const &b, real_type const &envelope, vector3_type *p, vector3_type &n, real_type *distances)
template<typename real_type , typename vector3_type , typename matrix3x3_type >
unsigned int box_box_improved (vector3_type p_a, matrix3x3_type R_a, vector3_type const &ext_a, vector3_type p_b, matrix3x3_type R_b, vector3_type const &ext_b, real_type const &envelope, vector3_type *p, vector3_type &n, real_type *distances)
template<typename coordsys_type , typename box_type , typename sphere_type , typename real_type , typename vector3_type >
bool box_sphere (coordsys_type const &BtoWCS, coordsys_type const &StoWCS, box_type const &box, sphere_type const &sphere, real_type const &envelope, vector3_type &p, vector3_type &n, real_type &distance)
template<typename obb_tree_types >
bool obb_tree_obb_tree (typename obb_tree_types::coordsys_type const &Awcs, typename obb_tree_types::bvh_type const &A, typename obb_tree_types::coordsys_type const &Bwcs, typename obb_tree_types::bvh_type const &B, typename obb_tree_types::result_type &results)
template<typename coordsys_type , typename plane_type , typename box_type , typename real_type , typename vector3_type >
int plane_box (coordsys_type const &PtoWCS, coordsys_type const &BtoWCS, plane_type const &plane, box_type const &box, real_type const &envelope, vector3_type *p, vector3_type &n, real_type *distance)
template<typename coordsys_type , typename plane_type , typename sdf_geometry_type , typename contact_point_container >
bool plane_sdf (coordsys_type const &wcsP, plane_type const &plane, coordsys_type const &wcsG, sdf_geometry_type const &geometry, contact_point_container &contacts, double envelope=0.01)
template<typename point_iterator , typename aabb_tree_geometry , typename contact_point_container >
void points_aabb_tree (point_iterator begin, point_iterator end, aabb_tree_geometry const &aabb_tree, contact_point_container &contacts)
template<typename vector3_type >
bool ray_aabb (vector3_type const &p, vector3_type const &r, vector3_type const &min_coord, vector3_type const &max_coord)
template<typename vector3_type , typename aabb_type >
bool ray_aabb (vector3_type const &p, vector3_type const &r, aabb_type const &aabb)
template<typename ray_type , typename aabb_type >
bool ray_aabb (ray_type const &ray, aabb_type const &aabb)
template<typename vector3_type >
bool ray_obb (vector3_type const &p, vector3_type const &r, vector3_type const &c, vector3_type const &a0, vector3_type const &a1, vector3_type const &a2, vector3_type const &e)
template<typename vector3_type , typename obb_type >
bool ray_obb (vector3_type const &p, vector3_type const &r, obb_type const &obb)
template<typename ray_type , typename obb_type >
bool ray_obb (ray_type const &ray, obb_type const &obb)
template<typename vector3_type , typename real_type >
bool ray_triangle (vector3_type const &p, vector3_type const &r, vector3_type const &p0, vector3_type const &p1, vector3_type const &p2, real_type &t)
template<typename vector3_type , typename triangle_type >
bool ray_triangle (vector3_type const &p, vector3_type const &r, triangle_type const &triangle)
template<typename ray_type , typename triangle_type >
bool ray_triangle (ray_type const &ray, triangle_type const &triangle)
template<typename coordsys_type , typename sdf_geometry_type , typename contact_point_container , typename real_type >
bool sdf_sdf (coordsys_type const &AtoWCS, sdf_geometry_type const &A, coordsys_type const &BtoWCS, sdf_geometry_type const &B, contact_point_container &contacts, real_type const &envelope)
template<typename coordsys_type , typename sphere_type , typename plane_type , typename real_type , typename vector3_type >
bool sphere_plane (coordsys_type const &StoWCS, coordsys_type const &PtoWCS, sphere_type const &sphere, plane_type const &plane, real_type const &envelope, vector3_type &p, vector3_type &n, real_type &distance)
template<typename coordsys_type , typename sdf_geometry_type , typename sphere_type , typename contact_point_container >
bool sphere_sdf (coordsys_type &wcsS, sphere_type const &sphere, coordsys_type &wcsG, sdf_geometry_type const &geometry, contact_point_container &contacts, double envelope=0.01)
template<typename vector3_type , typename real_type >
bool sphere_sphere (vector3_type const &cA, real_type const &rA, vector3_type const &cB, real_type const &rB, real_type const &envelope, vector3_type &p, vector3_type &n, real_type &distance)

Function Documentation

template<typename aabb_tree_geometry , typename contact_point_container >
void OpenTissue::collision::aabb_tree_against_itself ( aabb_tree_geometry const &  aabb_tree,
contact_point_container &  contacts 

AABB Tree Collision Query.

This method assumes that the AABB tree have been refitted prior to invokation.

template<typename real_type , typename vector3_type , typename matrix3x3_type >
unsigned int OpenTissue::collision::box_box ( vector3_type  p_a,
matrix3x3_type  R_a,
vector3_type const &  a,
vector3_type  p_b,
matrix3x3_type  R_b,
vector3_type const &  b,
real_type const &  envelope,
vector3_type p,
vector3_type n,
real_type distances 

Box Box Collision Test.

The collision test is based on a separation axis test, which works great for detecting whether there is a collision or not.

Following this a separation axis is chosen to as the contact normal direction, however in some cases such as when penetrations are signigicant and when objects are slightly unaligned, a edge-edge separation axis is chosen eventhough a face normal would have been far better. This is a problem since the generated contact in these edge-edge cases might not even lie inside the contact region.

Therefor we recommend only using this method when penetrations are expected to be very small.

p_a Center of box A in WCS.
p_b Center of box B in WCS
R_a Box A's orientation in WCS
R_b Box B's orientation in WCS
a Extents of box A, i.e. half edge sizes.
b Extents of box B, i.e. half edge sizes.
envelope The size of the collision envelope. If cloest point are separted by more than this distance then there is no contact.
p Pointer to array of contact points, must have room for at least eight vectors.
n Upon return this argument holds the contact normal pointing from box A towards box B.
distance Pointer to array of separation (or penetration) distances. Must have room for at least eight values.
If contacts exist then the return value indicates the number of contacts, if no contacts exist the return valeu is zero.
template<typename real_type , typename vector3_type , typename matrix3x3_type >
unsigned int OpenTissue::collision::box_box_improved ( vector3_type  p_a,
matrix3x3_type  R_a,
vector3_type const &  ext_a,
vector3_type  p_b,
matrix3x3_type  R_b,
vector3_type const &  ext_b,
real_type const &  envelope,
vector3_type p,
vector3_type n,
real_type distances 

Improved Box Box Collision Test.

p_a Center of box A in WCS.
p_b Center of box B in WCS
R_a Box A's orientation in WCS
R_b Box B's orientation in WCS
ext_a Extents of box A, i.e. half edge sizes.
ext_b Extents of box B, i.e. half edge sizes.
envelope The size of the collision envelope. If cloest point are separted by more than this distance then there is no contact.
p Pointer to array of contact points, must have room for at least eight vectors.
n Upon return this argument holds the contact normal pointing from box A towards box B.
distance Pointer to array of separation (or penetration) distances. Must have room for at least eight values.
If contacts exist then the return value indicates the number of contacts, if no contacts exist the return valeu is zero.
template<typename coordsys_type , typename box_type , typename sphere_type , typename real_type , typename vector3_type >
bool OpenTissue::collision::box_sphere ( coordsys_type const &  BtoWCS,
coordsys_type const &  StoWCS,
box_type const &  box,
sphere_type const &  sphere,
real_type const &  envelope,
vector3_type p,
vector3_type n,
real_type distance 

Box Sphere Collision Test.

BtoWCS Box model frame to World Coordinate Transformation.
StoWCS Sphere model frame to World Coordinate Transformation.
box The box geometry in its model frame.
sphere The sphere geometry in its model frame.
envelope The size of the collision envelope. If clostest point are separted by more than this distance then there is no contact.
p Upon return this argument holds the point of contact.
n Upon return this argument holds the contact normal pointing from the box towards the sphere.
distance Upon return this argument holds the separation (or penetration) distance.
If a contact exist then the return value is true otherwise it is false.
template<typename obb_tree_types >
bool OpenTissue::collision::obb_tree_obb_tree ( typename obb_tree_types::coordsys_type const &  Awcs,
typename obb_tree_types::bvh_type const &  A,
typename obb_tree_types::coordsys_type const &  Bwcs,
typename obb_tree_types::bvh_type const &  B,
typename obb_tree_types::result_type &  results 
template<typename coordsys_type , typename plane_type , typename box_type , typename real_type , typename vector3_type >
int OpenTissue::collision::plane_box ( coordsys_type const &  PtoWCS,
coordsys_type const &  BtoWCS,
plane_type const &  plane,
box_type const &  box,
real_type const &  envelope,
vector3_type p,
vector3_type n,
real_type distance 

Plane Box Collision Test.

PtoWCS Plane model frame to World Coordinate Transformation.
BtoWCS Box model frame to World Coordinate Transformation.
plane The plane geometry in its model frame.
box The box geometry in its model frame.
envelope The size of the collision envelope. If clostest point are separted by more than this distance then there is no contact.
p Pointer to array of contact points, must have room for at least three vectors.
n Upon return this argument holds the contact normal pointing from the plane towards the box.
distance Pointer to array of separation (or penetration) distances. Must have room for at least three values.
If contacts exist then the return value indicates the number of contacts, if no contacts exist the return valeu is zero.
template<typename coordsys_type , typename plane_type , typename sdf_geometry_type , typename contact_point_container >
bool OpenTissue::collision::plane_sdf ( coordsys_type const &  wcsP,
plane_type const &  plane,
coordsys_type const &  wcsG,
sdf_geometry_type const &  geometry,
contact_point_container &  contacts,
double  envelope = 0.01 

Test Signed Distance Map against plane.

The current implementation simply test every sample point against the specified plane. This is very naive and not very efficient. It would be much faster to test the BVH of the signed distance field geometry against the plane geometry. This is left for future optimization.

wcsP The world location of the plane geometry.
plane The object A geometry ( a plane).
wcsG The world location of the signed distance field geometry.
geometry The object B geometry (signed distance field).
contacts Upon return holds all the contact points between the two object. By convention contact normals alway point from plane object towards sdf object.
envelope The size of the collision envelope, default value is 0.01. Whenever objects are within this distance then contact points will be generated.
If a collision is detected then the return value is true otherwise it is false.
template<typename point_iterator , typename aabb_tree_geometry , typename contact_point_container >
void OpenTissue::collision::points_aabb_tree ( point_iterator  begin,
point_iterator  end,
aabb_tree_geometry const &  aabb_tree,
contact_point_container &  contacts 

AABB Tree Collision Query. This method assumes that the two AABB trees have been refitted prior to invokation.

template<typename vector3_type >
bool OpenTissue::collision::ray_aabb ( vector3_type const &  p,
vector3_type const &  r,
vector3_type const &  min_coord,
vector3_type const &  max_coord 
) [inline]

Ray AABB Collision Test.

p Origin of ray.
r Ray direction vector.
min_coord Minimum coordinate corner of aabb.
max_coord Maximum coordinate corner of aabb.
True if ray overlaps aabb, otherwise false.
template<typename vector3_type , typename aabb_type >
bool OpenTissue::collision::ray_aabb ( vector3_type const &  p,
vector3_type const &  r,
aabb_type const &  aabb 
) [inline]
template<typename ray_type , typename aabb_type >
bool OpenTissue::collision::ray_aabb ( ray_type const &  ray,
aabb_type const &  aabb 
) [inline]
template<typename vector3_type >
bool OpenTissue::collision::ray_obb ( vector3_type const &  p,
vector3_type const &  r,
vector3_type const &  c,
vector3_type const &  a0,
vector3_type const &  a1,
vector3_type const &  a2,
vector3_type const &  e 

Ray OBB Collision Test.

p origin of ray.
r ray direction vector.
c Center of OBB.
a0 First axis of OBB.
a1 Second axis of OBB.
a2 Third axis of OBB.
e Half extend of OBB.
True if ray overlaps obb, otherwise false.
template<typename vector3_type , typename obb_type >
bool OpenTissue::collision::ray_obb ( vector3_type const &  p,
vector3_type const &  r,
obb_type const &  obb 
template<typename ray_type , typename obb_type >
bool OpenTissue::collision::ray_obb ( ray_type const &  ray,
obb_type const &  obb 
template<typename vector3_type , typename real_type >
bool OpenTissue::collision::ray_triangle ( vector3_type const &  p,
vector3_type const &  r,
vector3_type const &  p0,
vector3_type const &  p1,
vector3_type const &  p2,
real_type t 

Ray Triangle Collision Test.

p origin of ray.
r ray direction vector.
p0 First point of triangle.
p1 Second point of triangle.
p2 Third point of triangle.
t The ray parameter value at the point of collision (if any).
True if ray overlaps triangle, otherwise false.
template<typename vector3_type , typename triangle_type >
bool OpenTissue::collision::ray_triangle ( vector3_type const &  p,
vector3_type const &  r,
triangle_type const &  triangle 
template<typename ray_type , typename triangle_type >
bool OpenTissue::collision::ray_triangle ( ray_type const &  ray,
triangle_type const &  triangle 
template<typename coordsys_type , typename sdf_geometry_type , typename contact_point_container , typename real_type >
bool OpenTissue::collision::sdf_sdf ( coordsys_type const &  AtoWCS,
sdf_geometry_type const &  A,
coordsys_type const &  BtoWCS,
sdf_geometry_type const &  B,
contact_point_container &  contacts,
real_type const &  envelope 

Signed Distance Field Geometry Collision Query.

AtoWCS The world location of the geometry of object A.
A The geometry of object A.
BtoWCS The world location of the geometry of object B.
B The geometry of object B.
contacts Upon return holds all the contact points between the two object. By convention contact normals alway point from object A towards object B.
envelope The size of the collision envelope. Whenever objects are within this distance then contact points will be generated.
If a collision is detected then the return value is true otherwise it is false.
template<typename coordsys_type , typename sphere_type , typename plane_type , typename real_type , typename vector3_type >
bool OpenTissue::collision::sphere_plane ( coordsys_type const &  StoWCS,
coordsys_type const &  PtoWCS,
sphere_type const &  sphere,
plane_type const &  plane,
real_type const &  envelope,
vector3_type p,
vector3_type n,
real_type distance 

Sphere Plane Collision Test.

PtoWCS Plane to world coordinate transformation.
StoWCS Sphere to world coordinate transformation.
plane The plane geometry.
sphere The sphere geometry.
envelope The collision envelope, if closest points are separated more than this distance, then no contact is generated.
p Upon return this argument holds the point of contact in WCS.
n Upon return this argument holds the normal of the contact in WCS. Pointing from Plane towards sphere.
distance Upon return this argument holds separation (or penetration) distance of the contact. Think of it as an overlap measure along the contact normal.
If a contact exist between the sphere and the plane, then the return value is true otherwise it is false.
template<typename coordsys_type , typename sdf_geometry_type , typename sphere_type , typename contact_point_container >
bool OpenTissue::collision::sphere_sdf ( coordsys_type &  wcsS,
sphere_type const &  sphere,
coordsys_type &  wcsG,
sdf_geometry_type const &  geometry,
contact_point_container &  contacts,
double  envelope = 0.01 

Test Sphere Against Signed Distance Map.

wcsS The world location of the sphere geometry.
wcsG The world location of the signed distance field geometry.
sphere The geometry of object A (the sphere geometry).
geometry The geometry of object B ( the signed distance field geometry).
contacts Upon return holds all the contact points between the two object. By convention contact normals always point from sdf object towards sphere object.
envelope The size of the collision envelope, default value is 0.01. Whenever objects are within this distance then contact points will be generated.
If a collision is detected then the return value is true otherwise it is false.
template<typename vector3_type , typename real_type >
bool OpenTissue::collision::sphere_sphere ( vector3_type const &  cA,
real_type const &  rA,
vector3_type const &  cB,
real_type const &  rB,
real_type const &  envelope,
vector3_type p,
vector3_type n,
real_type distance 

Sphere Sphere Collision Test.

cA Center of sphere A in world coordinate system.
rA Radius of sphere A.
cB Center of sphere B in world coordinate system.
rB Radius of sphere B.
envelope The collision envelope, if closest points are separated more than this distance, then no contact is generated.
p Upon return this argument holds the point of contact in WCS.
n Upon return this argument holds the normal of the contact in WCS. Poiting from sphere A towards sphere B.
distance Upon return this argument holds separation (or penetration) distance of the contact. Think of it as an overlap measure along the contact normal.
If a contact exist between the spheres, then the return value is true otherwise it is false.