Defines | Typedefs | Functions

/home/hauberg/Dokumenter/Capture/humim-tracker-0.1/src/OpenTissue/third_party/include/windows/IL/il.h File Reference

#include <stdio.h>

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#define __il_h_
#define __IL_H__
#define IL_FALSE   0
#define IL_TRUE   1
#define IL_COLOUR_INDEX   0x1900
#define IL_COLOR_INDEX   0x1900
#define IL_RGB   0x1907
#define IL_RGBA   0x1908
#define IL_BGR   0x80E0
#define IL_BGRA   0x80E1
#define IL_LUMINANCE   0x1909
#define IL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA   0x190A
#define IL_BYTE   0x1400
#define IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE   0x1401
#define IL_SHORT   0x1402
#define IL_UNSIGNED_SHORT   0x1403
#define IL_INT   0x1404
#define IL_UNSIGNED_INT   0x1405
#define IL_FLOAT   0x1406
#define IL_DOUBLE   0x140A
#define IL_VENDOR   0x1F00
#define IL_LOAD_EXT   0x1F01
#define IL_SAVE_EXT   0x1F02
#define IL_VERSION_1_6_7   1
#define IL_VERSION   167
#define IL_ORIGIN_BIT   0x00000001
#define IL_FILE_BIT   0x00000002
#define IL_PAL_BIT   0x00000004
#define IL_FORMAT_BIT   0x00000008
#define IL_TYPE_BIT   0x00000010
#define IL_COMPRESS_BIT   0x00000020
#define IL_LOADFAIL_BIT   0x00000040
#define IL_FORMAT_SPECIFIC_BIT   0x00000080
#define IL_PAL_NONE   0x0400
#define IL_PAL_RGB24   0x0401
#define IL_PAL_RGB32   0x0402
#define IL_PAL_RGBA32   0x0403
#define IL_PAL_BGR24   0x0404
#define IL_PAL_BGR32   0x0405
#define IL_PAL_BGRA32   0x0406
#define IL_TYPE_UNKNOWN   0x0000
#define IL_BMP   0x0420
#define IL_CUT   0x0421
#define IL_DOOM   0x0422
#define IL_DOOM_FLAT   0x0423
#define IL_ICO   0x0424
#define IL_JPG   0x0425
#define IL_JFIF   0x0425
#define IL_LBM   0x0426
#define IL_PCD   0x0427
#define IL_PCX   0x0428
#define IL_PIC   0x0429
#define IL_PNG   0x042A
#define IL_PNM   0x042B
#define IL_SGI   0x042C
#define IL_TGA   0x042D
#define IL_TIF   0x042E
#define IL_CHEAD   0x042F
#define IL_RAW   0x0430
#define IL_MDL   0x0431
#define IL_WAL   0x0432
#define IL_LIF   0x0434
#define IL_MNG   0x0435
#define IL_JNG   0x0435
#define IL_GIF   0x0436
#define IL_DDS   0x0437
#define IL_DCX   0x0438
#define IL_PSD   0x0439
#define IL_EXIF   0x043A
#define IL_PSP   0x043B
#define IL_PIX   0x043C
#define IL_PXR   0x043D
#define IL_XPM   0x043E
#define IL_JASC_PAL   0x0475
#define IL_NO_ERROR   0x0000
#define IL_INVALID_ENUM   0x0501
#define IL_OUT_OF_MEMORY   0x0502
#define IL_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED   0x0503
#define IL_INTERNAL_ERROR   0x0504
#define IL_INVALID_VALUE   0x0505
#define IL_ILLEGAL_OPERATION   0x0506
#define IL_ILLEGAL_FILE_VALUE   0x0507
#define IL_INVALID_FILE_HEADER   0x0508
#define IL_INVALID_PARAM   0x0509
#define IL_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE   0x050A
#define IL_OUT_FORMAT_SAME   0x050D
#define IL_STACK_OVERFLOW   0x050E
#define IL_STACK_UNDERFLOW   0x050F
#define IL_INVALID_CONVERSION   0x0510
#define IL_BAD_DIMENSIONS   0x0511
#define IL_FILE_READ_ERROR   0x0512
#define IL_FILE_WRITE_ERROR   0x0512
#define IL_LIB_GIF_ERROR   0x05E1
#define IL_LIB_JPEG_ERROR   0x05E2
#define IL_LIB_PNG_ERROR   0x05E3
#define IL_LIB_TIFF_ERROR   0x05E4
#define IL_LIB_MNG_ERROR   0x05E5
#define IL_UNKNOWN_ERROR   0x05FF
#define IL_ORIGIN_SET   0x0600
#define IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT   0x0601
#define IL_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT   0x0602
#define IL_ORIGIN_MODE   0x0603
#define IL_FORMAT_SET   0x0610
#define IL_FORMAT_MODE   0x0611
#define IL_TYPE_SET   0x0612
#define IL_TYPE_MODE   0x0613
#define IL_FILE_OVERWRITE   0x0620
#define IL_FILE_MODE   0x0621
#define IL_CONV_PAL   0x0630
#define IL_DEFAULT_ON_FAIL   0x0632
#define IL_USE_KEY_COLOUR   0x0635
#define IL_USE_KEY_COLOR   0x0635
#define IL_SAVE_INTERLACED   0x0639
#define IL_INTERLACE_MODE   0x063A
#define IL_QUANTIZATION_MODE   0x0640
#define IL_WU_QUANT   0x0641
#define IL_NEU_QUANT   0x0642
#define IL_NEU_QUANT_SAMPLE   0x0643
#define IL_MAX_QUANT_INDEXS   0x0644
#define IL_FASTEST   0x0660
#define IL_LESS_MEM   0x0661
#define IL_DONT_CARE   0x0662
#define IL_MEM_SPEED_HINT   0x0665
#define IL_USE_COMPRESSION   0x0666
#define IL_NO_COMPRESSION   0x0667
#define IL_COMPRESSION_HINT   0x0668
#define IL_SUB_NEXT   0x0680
#define IL_SUB_MIPMAP   0x0681
#define IL_SUB_LAYER   0x0682
#define IL_COMPRESS_MODE   0x0700
#define IL_COMPRESS_NONE   0x0701
#define IL_COMPRESS_RLE   0x0702
#define IL_COMPRESS_LZO   0x0703
#define IL_COMPRESS_ZLIB   0x0704
#define IL_TGA_CREATE_STAMP   0x0710
#define IL_JPG_QUALITY   0x0711
#define IL_PNG_INTERLACE   0x0712
#define IL_TGA_RLE   0x0713
#define IL_BMP_RLE   0x0714
#define IL_SGI_RLE   0x0715
#define IL_TGA_ID_STRING   0x0717
#define IL_TGA_AUTHNAME_STRING   0x0718
#define IL_PNG_TITLE_STRING   0x071B
#define IL_TIF_AUTHNAME_STRING   0x0720
#define IL_JPG_SAVE_FORMAT   0x0721
#define IL_CHEAD_HEADER_STRING   0x0722
#define IL_PCD_PICNUM   0x0723
#define IL_PNG_ALPHA_INDEX   0x0724
#define IL_DXTC_FORMAT   0x0705
#define IL_DXT1   0x0706
#define IL_DXT2   0x0707
#define IL_DXT3   0x0708
#define IL_DXT4   0x0709
#define IL_DXT5   0x070A
#define IL_DXT_NO_COMP   0x070B
#define IL_KEEP_DXTC_DATA   0x070C
#define IL_DXTC_DATA_FORMAT   0x070D
#define IL_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX   0x00000400
#define IL_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX   0x00000800
#define IL_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY   0x00001000
#define IL_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY   0x00002000
#define IL_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ   0x00004000
#define IL_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEZ   0x00008000
#define IL_VERSION_NUM   0x0DE2
#define IL_IMAGE_WIDTH   0x0DE4
#define IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT   0x0DE5
#define IL_IMAGE_DEPTH   0x0DE6
#define IL_IMAGE_SIZE_OF_DATA   0x0DE7
#define IL_IMAGE_BPP   0x0DE8
#define IL_IMAGE_FORMAT   0x0DEA
#define IL_IMAGE_TYPE   0x0DEB
#define IL_PALETTE_TYPE   0x0DEC
#define IL_PALETTE_SIZE   0x0DED
#define IL_PALETTE_BPP   0x0DEE
#define IL_NUM_IMAGES   0x0DF1
#define IL_NUM_MIPMAPS   0x0DF2
#define IL_NUM_LAYERS   0x0DF3
#define IL_ACTIVE_IMAGE   0x0DF4
#define IL_ACTIVE_MIPMAP   0x0DF5
#define IL_ACTIVE_LAYER   0x0DF6
#define IL_CUR_IMAGE   0x0DF7
#define IL_IMAGE_DURATION   0x0DF8
#define IL_IMAGE_BPC   0x0DFA
#define IL_IMAGE_OFFX   0x0DFB
#define IL_IMAGE_OFFY   0x0DFC
#define IL_IMAGE_ORIGIN   0x0DFE
#define ILAPI
#define IL_SEEK_SET   0
#define IL_SEEK_CUR   1
#define IL_SEEK_END   2
#define IL_EOF   -1
#define ilClearColor   ilClearColour
#define ilKeyColor   ilKeyColour
#define imemclear(x, y)   memset(x,0,y);


typedef unsigned int ILenum
typedef unsigned char ILboolean
typedef unsigned int ILbitfield
typedef char ILbyte
typedef short ILshort
typedef int ILint
typedef int ILsizei
typedef unsigned char ILubyte
typedef unsigned short ILushort
typedef unsigned int ILuint
typedef float ILfloat
typedef float ILclampf
typedef double ILdouble
typedef double ILclampd
typedef void ILvoid
typedef char * ILstring
typedef void * ILHANDLE
typedef ILvoid(ILAPIENTRY * fCloseRProc )(ILHANDLE)
typedef ILvoid(ILAPIENTRY * fCloseWProc )(ILHANDLE)
typedef ILvoid *(ILAPIENTRY * mAlloc )(ILuint)
typedef ILenum(ILAPIENTRY * IL_LOADPROC )(const ILstring)
typedef ILenum(ILAPIENTRY * IL_SAVEPROC )(const ILstring)


typedef ILboolean (ILAPIENTRY *fEofProc)(ILHANDLE)
typedef ILint (ILAPIENTRY *fGetcProc)(ILHANDLE)
typedef ILHANDLE (ILAPIENTRY *fOpenRProc)(const ILstring)
typedef ILvoid (ILAPIENTRY *mFree)(ILvoid *)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilActiveImage (ILuint Number)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilActiveLayer (ILuint Number)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilActiveMipmap (ILuint Number)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilApplyPal (const ILstring FileName)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilApplyProfile (const ILstring InProfile, const ILstring OutProfile)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilBindImage (ILuint Image)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilBlit (ILuint Source, ILint DestX, ILint DestY, ILint DestZ, ILuint SrcX, ILuint SrcY, ILuint SrcZ, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilClearColour (ILclampf Red, ILclampf Green, ILclampf Blue, ILclampf Alpha)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilClearImage (ILvoid)
ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilCloneCurImage (ILvoid)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilCompressFunc (ILenum Mode)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilConvertImage (ILenum DestFormat, ILenum DestType)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilConvertPal (ILenum DestFormat)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilCopyImage (ILuint Src)
ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilCopyPixels (ILuint XOff, ILuint YOff, ILuint ZOff, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILenum Format, ILenum Type, ILvoid *Data)
ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilCreateSubImage (ILenum Type, ILuint Num)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilDefaultImage (ILvoid)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilDeleteImages (ILsizei Num, const ILuint *Images)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilDisable (ILenum Mode)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilEnable (ILenum Mode)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilFormatFunc (ILenum Mode)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilGenImages (ILsizei Num, ILuint *Images)
ILAPI ILubyte *ILAPIENTRY ilGetAlpha (ILenum Type)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilModAlpha (ILint AlphaValue)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetAlpha (ILuint AlphaValue)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilGetBoolean (ILenum Mode)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilGetBooleanv (ILenum Mode, ILboolean *Param)
ILAPI ILubyte *ILAPIENTRY ilGetData (ILvoid)
ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilGetDXTCData (ILvoid *Buffer, ILuint BufferSize, ILenum DXTCFormat)
ILAPI ILenum ILAPIENTRY ilGetError (ILvoid)
ILAPI ILint ILAPIENTRY ilGetInteger (ILenum Mode)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilGetIntegerv (ILenum Mode, ILint *Param)
ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilGetLumpPos (ILvoid)
ILAPI ILubyte *ILAPIENTRY ilGetPalette (ILvoid)
ILAPI const ILstring ILAPIENTRY ilGetString (ILenum StringName)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilHint (ILenum Target, ILenum Mode)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilIsDisabled (ILenum Mode)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilIsEnabled (ILenum Mode)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilIsImage (ILuint Image)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilIsValid (ILenum Type, const ILstring FileName)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilIsValidF (ILenum Type, ILHANDLE File)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilIsValidL (ILenum Type, ILvoid *Lump, ILuint Size)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilKeyColour (ILclampf Red, ILclampf Green, ILclampf Blue, ILclampf Alpha)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoad (ILenum Type, const ILstring FileName)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadF (ILenum Type, ILHANDLE File)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadImage (const ILstring FileName)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadL (ILenum Type, ILvoid *Lump, ILuint Size)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadPal (const ILstring FileName)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilOriginFunc (ILenum Mode)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilOverlayImage (ILuint Source, ILint XCoord, ILint YCoord, ILint ZCoord)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilPopAttrib (ILvoid)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilPushAttrib (ILuint Bits)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterFormat (ILenum Format)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterLoad (const ILstring Ext, IL_LOADPROC Load)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterMipNum (ILuint Num)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterNumImages (ILuint Num)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterOrigin (ILenum Origin)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterPal (ILvoid *Pal, ILuint Size, ILenum Type)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterSave (const ILstring Ext, IL_SAVEPROC Save)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterType (ILenum Type)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilRemoveLoad (const ILstring Ext)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilRemoveSave (const ILstring Ext)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilResetMemory (ILvoid)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilResetRead (ILvoid)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilResetWrite (ILvoid)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSave (ILenum Type, const ILstring FileName)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSaveImage (const ILstring FileName)
ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilSaveL (ILenum Type, ILvoid *Lump, ILuint Size)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSavePal (const ILstring FileName)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSetData (ILvoid *Data)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSetDuration (ILuint Duration)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetInteger (ILenum Mode, ILint Param)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetMemory (mAlloc, mFree)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetPixels (ILint XOff, ILint YOff, ILint ZOff, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILenum Format, ILenum Type, ILvoid *Data)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetRead (fOpenRProc, fCloseRProc, fEofProc, fGetcProc, fReadProc, fSeekRProc, fTellRProc)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetString (ILenum Mode, const char *String)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetWrite (fOpenWProc, fCloseWProc, fPutcProc, fSeekWProc, fTellWProc, fWriteProc)
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilShutDown (ILvoid)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilTexImage (ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp, ILenum Format, ILenum Type, ILvoid *Data)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilTypeFunc (ILenum Mode)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadData (const ILstring FileName, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadDataF (ILHANDLE File, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadDataL (ILvoid *Lump, ILuint Size, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSaveData (const ILstring FileName)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadFromJpegStruct (ILvoid *JpegDecompressorPtr)
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSaveFromJpegStruct (ILvoid *JpegCompressorPtr)

Define Documentation

#define __il_h_
#define __IL_H__
#define IL_ACTIVE_IMAGE   0x0DF4
#define IL_ACTIVE_LAYER   0x0DF6
#define IL_ACTIVE_MIPMAP   0x0DF5
#define IL_BAD_DIMENSIONS   0x0511
#define IL_BGR   0x80E0
#define IL_BGRA   0x80E1
#define IL_BMP   0x0420
#define IL_BMP_RLE   0x0714
#define IL_BYTE   0x1400
#define IL_CHEAD   0x042F
#define IL_CHEAD_HEADER_STRING   0x0722
#define IL_COLOR_INDEX   0x1900
#define IL_COLOUR_INDEX   0x1900
#define IL_COMPRESS_BIT   0x00000020
#define IL_COMPRESS_LZO   0x0703
#define IL_COMPRESS_MODE   0x0700
#define IL_COMPRESS_NONE   0x0701
#define IL_COMPRESS_RLE   0x0702
#define IL_COMPRESS_ZLIB   0x0704
#define IL_COMPRESSION_HINT   0x0668
#define IL_CONV_PAL   0x0630
#define IL_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE   0x050A
#define IL_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX   0x00000800
#define IL_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY   0x00002000
#define IL_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEZ   0x00008000
#define IL_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX   0x00000400
#define IL_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY   0x00001000
#define IL_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ   0x00004000
#define IL_CUR_IMAGE   0x0DF7
#define IL_CUT   0x0421
#define IL_DCX   0x0438
#define IL_DDS   0x0437
#define IL_DEFAULT_ON_FAIL   0x0632
#define IL_DONT_CARE   0x0662
#define IL_DOOM   0x0422
#define IL_DOOM_FLAT   0x0423
#define IL_DOUBLE   0x140A
#define IL_DXT1   0x0706
#define IL_DXT2   0x0707
#define IL_DXT3   0x0708
#define IL_DXT4   0x0709
#define IL_DXT5   0x070A
#define IL_DXT_NO_COMP   0x070B
#define IL_DXTC_DATA_FORMAT   0x070D
#define IL_DXTC_FORMAT   0x0705
#define IL_EOF   -1
#define IL_EXIF   0x043A
#define IL_FALSE   0
#define IL_FASTEST   0x0660
#define IL_FILE_BIT   0x00000002
#define IL_FILE_MODE   0x0621
#define IL_FILE_OVERWRITE   0x0620
#define IL_FILE_READ_ERROR   0x0512
#define IL_FILE_WRITE_ERROR   0x0512
#define IL_FLOAT   0x1406
#define IL_FORMAT_BIT   0x00000008
#define IL_FORMAT_MODE   0x0611
#define IL_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED   0x0503
#define IL_FORMAT_SET   0x0610
#define IL_FORMAT_SPECIFIC_BIT   0x00000080
#define IL_GIF   0x0436
#define IL_ICO   0x0424
#define IL_ILLEGAL_FILE_VALUE   0x0507
#define IL_ILLEGAL_OPERATION   0x0506
#define IL_IMAGE_BPC   0x0DFA
#define IL_IMAGE_BPP   0x0DE8
#define IL_IMAGE_DEPTH   0x0DE6
#define IL_IMAGE_DURATION   0x0DF8
#define IL_IMAGE_FORMAT   0x0DEA
#define IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT   0x0DE5
#define IL_IMAGE_OFFX   0x0DFB
#define IL_IMAGE_OFFY   0x0DFC
#define IL_IMAGE_ORIGIN   0x0DFE
#define IL_IMAGE_SIZE_OF_DATA   0x0DE7
#define IL_IMAGE_TYPE   0x0DEB
#define IL_IMAGE_WIDTH   0x0DE4
#define IL_INT   0x1404
#define IL_INTERLACE_MODE   0x063A
#define IL_INTERNAL_ERROR   0x0504
#define IL_INVALID_CONVERSION   0x0510
#define IL_INVALID_ENUM   0x0501
#define IL_INVALID_FILE_HEADER   0x0508
#define IL_INVALID_PARAM   0x0509
#define IL_INVALID_VALUE   0x0505
#define IL_JASC_PAL   0x0475
#define IL_JFIF   0x0425
#define IL_JNG   0x0435
#define IL_JPG   0x0425
#define IL_JPG_QUALITY   0x0711
#define IL_JPG_SAVE_FORMAT   0x0721
#define IL_KEEP_DXTC_DATA   0x070C
#define IL_LBM   0x0426
#define IL_LESS_MEM   0x0661
#define IL_LIB_GIF_ERROR   0x05E1
#define IL_LIB_JPEG_ERROR   0x05E2
#define IL_LIB_MNG_ERROR   0x05E5
#define IL_LIB_PNG_ERROR   0x05E3
#define IL_LIB_TIFF_ERROR   0x05E4
#define IL_LIF   0x0434
#define IL_LOAD_EXT   0x1F01
#define IL_LOADFAIL_BIT   0x00000040
#define IL_LUMINANCE   0x1909
#define IL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA   0x190A
#define IL_MAX_QUANT_INDEXS   0x0644
#define IL_MDL   0x0431
#define IL_MEM_SPEED_HINT   0x0665
#define IL_MNG   0x0435
#define IL_NEU_QUANT   0x0642
#define IL_NEU_QUANT_SAMPLE   0x0643
#define IL_NO_COMPRESSION   0x0667
#define IL_NO_ERROR   0x0000
#define IL_NUM_IMAGES   0x0DF1
#define IL_NUM_LAYERS   0x0DF3
#define IL_NUM_MIPMAPS   0x0DF2
#define IL_ORIGIN_BIT   0x00000001
#define IL_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT   0x0601
#define IL_ORIGIN_MODE   0x0603
#define IL_ORIGIN_SET   0x0600
#define IL_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT   0x0602
#define IL_OUT_FORMAT_SAME   0x050D
#define IL_OUT_OF_MEMORY   0x0502
#define IL_PAL_BGR24   0x0404
#define IL_PAL_BGR32   0x0405
#define IL_PAL_BGRA32   0x0406
#define IL_PAL_BIT   0x00000004
#define IL_PAL_NONE   0x0400
#define IL_PAL_RGB24   0x0401
#define IL_PAL_RGB32   0x0402
#define IL_PAL_RGBA32   0x0403
#define IL_PALETTE_BPP   0x0DEE
#define IL_PALETTE_SIZE   0x0DED
#define IL_PALETTE_TYPE   0x0DEC
#define IL_PCD   0x0427
#define IL_PCD_PICNUM   0x0723
#define IL_PCX   0x0428
#define IL_PIC   0x0429
#define IL_PIX   0x043C
#define IL_PNG   0x042A
#define IL_PNG_ALPHA_INDEX   0x0724
#define IL_PNG_INTERLACE   0x0712
#define IL_PNG_TITLE_STRING   0x071B
#define IL_PNM   0x042B
#define IL_PSD   0x0439
#define IL_PSP   0x043B
#define IL_PXR   0x043D
#define IL_QUANTIZATION_MODE   0x0640
#define IL_RAW   0x0430
#define IL_RGB   0x1907
#define IL_RGBA   0x1908
#define IL_SAVE_EXT   0x1F02
#define IL_SAVE_INTERLACED   0x0639
#define IL_SEEK_CUR   1
#define IL_SEEK_END   2
#define IL_SEEK_SET   0
#define IL_SGI   0x042C
#define IL_SGI_RLE   0x0715
#define IL_SHORT   0x1402
#define IL_STACK_OVERFLOW   0x050E
#define IL_STACK_UNDERFLOW   0x050F
#define IL_SUB_LAYER   0x0682
#define IL_SUB_MIPMAP   0x0681
#define IL_SUB_NEXT   0x0680
#define IL_TGA   0x042D
#define IL_TGA_AUTHNAME_STRING   0x0718
#define IL_TGA_CREATE_STAMP   0x0710
#define IL_TGA_ID_STRING   0x0717
#define IL_TGA_RLE   0x0713
#define IL_TIF   0x042E
#define IL_TIF_AUTHNAME_STRING   0x0720
#define IL_TRUE   1
#define IL_TYPE_BIT   0x00000010
#define IL_TYPE_MODE   0x0613
#define IL_TYPE_SET   0x0612
#define IL_TYPE_UNKNOWN   0x0000
#define IL_UNKNOWN_ERROR   0x05FF
#define IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE   0x1401
#define IL_UNSIGNED_INT   0x1405
#define IL_UNSIGNED_SHORT   0x1403
#define IL_USE_COMPRESSION   0x0666
#define IL_USE_KEY_COLOR   0x0635
#define IL_USE_KEY_COLOUR   0x0635
#define IL_VENDOR   0x1F00
#define IL_VERSION   167
#define IL_VERSION_1_6_7   1
#define IL_VERSION_NUM   0x0DE2
#define IL_WAL   0x0432
#define IL_WU_QUANT   0x0641
#define IL_XPM   0x043E
#define ILAPI
#define ilClearColor   ilClearColour
#define ilKeyColor   ilKeyColour
#define imemclear (   x,
)    memset(x,0,y);

Typedef Documentation

typedef ILvoid(ILAPIENTRY * fCloseRProc)(ILHANDLE)
typedef ILvoid(ILAPIENTRY * fCloseWProc)(ILHANDLE)
typedef ILenum(ILAPIENTRY * IL_LOADPROC)(const ILstring)
typedef ILenum(ILAPIENTRY * IL_SAVEPROC)(const ILstring)
typedef unsigned int ILbitfield
typedef unsigned char ILboolean
typedef char ILbyte
typedef double ILclampd
typedef float ILclampf
typedef double ILdouble
typedef unsigned int ILenum
typedef float ILfloat
typedef ILHANDLE
typedef ILint
typedef short ILshort
typedef int ILsizei
typedef char* ILstring
typedef unsigned char ILubyte
typedef ILuint
typedef unsigned short ILushort
typedef void ILvoid
typedef ILvoid*(ILAPIENTRY * mAlloc)(ILuint)

Function Documentation

ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilActiveImage ( ILuint  Number  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilActiveLayer ( ILuint  Number  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilActiveMipmap ( ILuint  Number  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilApplyPal ( const ILstring  FileName  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilApplyProfile ( const ILstring  InProfile,
const ILstring  OutProfile 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilBindImage ( ILuint  Image  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilBlit ( ILuint  Source,
ILint  DestX,
ILint  DestY,
ILint  DestZ,
ILuint  SrcX,
ILuint  SrcY,
ILuint  SrcZ,
ILuint  Width,
ILuint  Height,
ILuint  Depth 
typedef ILboolean ( ILAPIENTRY *  fEofProc  ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilClearColour ( ILclampf  Red,
ILclampf  Green,
ILclampf  Blue,
ILclampf  Alpha 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilClearImage ( ILvoid   ) 
ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilCloneCurImage ( ILvoid   ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilCompressFunc ( ILenum  Mode  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilConvertImage ( ILenum  DestFormat,
ILenum  DestType 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilConvertPal ( ILenum  DestFormat  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilCopyImage ( ILuint  Src  ) 
ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilCopyPixels ( ILuint  XOff,
ILuint  YOff,
ILuint  ZOff,
ILuint  Width,
ILuint  Height,
ILuint  Depth,
ILenum  Format,
ILenum  Type,
ILvoid Data 
ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilCreateSubImage ( ILenum  Type,
ILuint  Num 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilDefaultImage ( ILvoid   ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilDeleteImages ( ILsizei  Num,
const ILuint Images 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilDisable ( ILenum  Mode  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilEnable ( ILenum  Mode  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilFormatFunc ( ILenum  Mode  ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilGenImages ( ILsizei  Num,
ILuint Images 
ILAPI ILubyte* ILAPIENTRY ilGetAlpha ( ILenum  Type  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilGetBoolean ( ILenum  Mode  ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilGetBooleanv ( ILenum  Mode,
ILboolean Param 
ILAPI ILubyte* ILAPIENTRY ilGetData ( ILvoid   ) 
ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilGetDXTCData ( ILvoid Buffer,
ILuint  BufferSize,
ILenum  DXTCFormat 
ILAPI ILenum ILAPIENTRY ilGetError ( ILvoid   ) 
ILAPI ILint ILAPIENTRY ilGetInteger ( ILenum  Mode  ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilGetIntegerv ( ILenum  Mode,
ILint Param 
ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilGetLumpPos ( ILvoid   ) 
ILAPI ILubyte* ILAPIENTRY ilGetPalette ( ILvoid   ) 
ILAPI const ILstring ILAPIENTRY ilGetString ( ILenum  StringName  ) 
typedef ILHANDLE ( ILAPIENTRY *  fOpenRProc  )  const
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilHint ( ILenum  Target,
ILenum  Mode 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilInit ( ILvoid   ) 
typedef ILint ( ILAPIENTRY *  fGetcProc  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilIsDisabled ( ILenum  Mode  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilIsEnabled ( ILenum  Mode  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilIsImage ( ILuint  Image  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilIsValid ( ILenum  Type,
const ILstring  FileName 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilIsValidF ( ILenum  Type,
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilIsValidL ( ILenum  Type,
ILvoid Lump,
ILuint  Size 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilKeyColour ( ILclampf  Red,
ILclampf  Green,
ILclampf  Blue,
ILclampf  Alpha 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoad ( ILenum  Type,
const ILstring  FileName 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadData ( const ILstring  FileName,
ILuint  Width,
ILuint  Height,
ILuint  Depth,
ILubyte  Bpp 
ILuint  Width,
ILuint  Height,
ILuint  Depth,
ILubyte  Bpp 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadDataL ( ILvoid Lump,
ILuint  Size,
ILuint  Width,
ILuint  Height,
ILuint  Depth,
ILubyte  Bpp 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadF ( ILenum  Type,
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadFromJpegStruct ( ILvoid JpegDecompressorPtr  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadImage ( const ILstring  FileName  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadL ( ILenum  Type,
ILvoid Lump,
ILuint  Size 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilLoadPal ( const ILstring  FileName  ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilModAlpha ( ILint  AlphaValue  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilOriginFunc ( ILenum  Mode  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilOverlayImage ( ILuint  Source,
ILint  XCoord,
ILint  YCoord,
ILint  ZCoord 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilPopAttrib ( ILvoid   ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilPushAttrib ( ILuint  Bits  ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterFormat ( ILenum  Format  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterLoad ( const ILstring  Ext,
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterMipNum ( ILuint  Num  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterNumImages ( ILuint  Num  ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterOrigin ( ILenum  Origin  ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterPal ( ILvoid Pal,
ILuint  Size,
ILenum  Type 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterSave ( const ILstring  Ext,
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilRegisterType ( ILenum  Type  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilRemoveLoad ( const ILstring  Ext  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilRemoveSave ( const ILstring  Ext  ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilResetMemory ( ILvoid   ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilResetRead ( ILvoid   ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilResetWrite ( ILvoid   ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSave ( ILenum  Type,
const ILstring  FileName 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSaveData ( const ILstring  FileName  ) 
ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilSaveF ( ILenum  Type,
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSaveFromJpegStruct ( ILvoid JpegCompressorPtr  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSaveImage ( const ILstring  FileName  ) 
ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilSaveL ( ILenum  Type,
ILvoid Lump,
ILuint  Size 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSavePal ( const ILstring  FileName  ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetAlpha ( ILuint  AlphaValue  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSetData ( ILvoid Data  ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilSetDuration ( ILuint  Duration  ) 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetInteger ( ILenum  Mode,
ILint  Param 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetMemory ( mAlloc  ,
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetPixels ( ILint  XOff,
ILint  YOff,
ILint  ZOff,
ILuint  Width,
ILuint  Height,
ILuint  Depth,
ILenum  Format,
ILenum  Type,
ILvoid Data 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetRead ( fOpenRProc  ,
fCloseRProc  ,
fEofProc  ,
fGetcProc  ,
fReadProc  ,
fSeekRProc  ,
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetString ( ILenum  Mode,
const char *  String 
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetWrite ( fOpenWProc  ,
fCloseWProc  ,
fPutcProc  ,
fSeekWProc  ,
fTellWProc  ,
ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilShutDown ( ILvoid   ) 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilTexImage ( ILuint  Width,
ILuint  Height,
ILuint  Depth,
ILubyte  Bpp,
ILenum  Format,
ILenum  Type,
ILvoid Data 
ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilTypeFunc ( ILenum  Mode  ) 
typedef ILvoid ( ILAPIENTRY *  mFree  )