#include <sdf_collision_policy.h>
List of all members.
Detailed Description
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
class OpenTissue::sdf::CollisionPolicy< bvh_type_, coordsys_type_ >
Signed Distance Field Collision Policy.
Member Typedef Documentation
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
Member Function Documentation
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
Collision Envelope. The size of the collision envelope dicates a threshold value, whenever objects are within the collision envelope of each other then the policy will report a collision.
- Returns:
- The size of the collision envelope.
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
Contact Normal Flipped. The caller may have reversed the roles of objects A and B, in which case contact normals should be flipped when reporting them.
If object roles are reveres then flipped should be set to true. Default value is false.
- Returns:
- The size of the collision envelope.
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
template<typename sdf_geometry_type >
Overlap Testing.
- Parameters:
| xform | A coordinate transform that takes the geometry of the bv into the local model frame of the sdf geometry. bv A pointer to a bounding volume (bv) node. |
| geometry | A signed distance field geometry. |
- Returns:
- If the geometry of the bv (a sphere) is overlapping with the zero-level set of the signed distance field geometry then the return value it true otherwise it is false.
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
template<typename sdf_geometry_type , typename contact_point_container >
Contact Point Reporting.
- Parameters:
| xform | Coordinate transform, can be used to bring bv into model frame of geometry. |
| bv | The bv (bounding volume) from object A. |
| geometry | The geometry of object B. |
| contacts | Upon return any contact point is added to this container. Note that the contact consist of a contact point, a contact normal and a separation/penetration distance. These are specified in the local coordinate system of the signed distance field geometry. The caller is responsible for converting these into the world coordinate system (WCS) if needed. |
Note that by convention the contact normal is always pointing from the signed distance field geometry towards the bv geometry. That is normals are pointing from A towards B by convention.
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
template<typename contact_point_container >
Reset. This method is invoked prior to performing any collision query.
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
World Coordinate System Transform. The policy uses this transfrom to convert generated contact points into the correct frame.
- Returns:
- A reference to the world coordinate system transform.
Member Data Documentation
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
Collision envelope, should be set prior to collision query.
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
generated contact points should be flipped or not.
This boolean flag indicates whether normal directions on
template<typename bvh_type_, typename coordsys_type_>
Coordinate transform, brings a contact point from the local model frame of the geometry type into the world coordinate system.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- /home/hauberg/Dokumenter/Capture/humim-tracker-0.1/src/OpenTissue/OpenTissue/collision/sdf/sdf_collision_policy.h