Classes | Defines | Functions

/home/hauberg/Dokumenter/Capture/humim-tracker-0.1/src/OpenTissue/third_party/bundled/TetGen/tetgen.h File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>

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class  tetgenio
struct  tetgenio::polygon
struct  tetgenio::facet
struct  tetgenio::pbcgroup
class  tetgenbehavior
class  tetgenmesh
class  tetgenmesh::triface
class  tetgenmesh::face
struct  tetgenmesh::badface
struct  tetgenmesh::pbcdata
class  tetgenmesh::list
class  tetgenmesh::memorypool
class  tetgenmesh::link
class  tetgenmesh::queue


#define REAL   double


REAL exactinit ()
REAL orient3d (REAL *pa, REAL *pb, REAL *pc, REAL *pd)
REAL insphere (REAL *pa, REAL *pb, REAL *pc, REAL *pd, REAL *pe)
void tetrahedralize (tetgenbehavior *b, tetgenio *in, tetgenio *out)
void tetrahedralize (char *switches, tetgenio *in, tetgenio *out)

Define Documentation

#define REAL   double

Function Documentation

REAL exactinit (  ) 
REAL insphere ( REAL *  pa,
REAL *  pb,
REAL *  pc,
REAL *  pd,
REAL *  pe 
REAL orient3d ( REAL *  pa,
REAL *  pb,
REAL *  pc,
REAL *  pd 
void tetrahedralize ( char *  switches,
tetgenio in,
tetgenio out 
void tetrahedralize ( tetgenbehavior b,
tetgenio in,
tetgenio out 