
XML Document creation routine. Useful lower­level routine for when you want to keep a reference to the created doc.

doc Reference to XML doc to be written.
mesh Mesh to be serialized.
points Node coordinates will be read from this container.
If succesfully written to the specified file then the return value is true otherwise it is false.
 template<typename skin_type>
 void skin_xml_embed_extra(skin_type const & skin, TiXmlDocument & doc)
   // iterate over 'POINT' nodes and add normals
   TiXmlElement * point = TiXmlHandle(&doc).FirstChild("T4MESH").FirstChild("POINT").Element();
   for( int i = 0; point; point=point->NextSiblingElement("POINT"), ++i )
     skin_type::const_node_iterator n = skin.const_node(i);
     std::stringstream normal;
     normal << n->m_original_normal;
     point->SetAttribute("normal", normal.str());
 // write the tetrahedral mesh
 mesh_type skin;
 TiXmlDocument doc;
 t4mesh::xml_make_doc(doc, skin, default_point_container<mesh_type>(&skin));
 skin_xml_embed_extra(skin, doc);