Normalization of Input Data =========================== This short tutorial will demonstrate how data can be normalized using Shark. Read the basic :ref:`data tutorials ` first if you are not familiar with the :doxy:`Data` containers. In this tutorial the term *data normalization* refers to the process of pre-processing feature values of a data set. The usual purpose is to make all features comparable, in a sense, by transforming them to a uniform scale. Shark distinguished between feature-wise normalization and more complex methods. Feature-wise Normalization -------------------------- For feature-wise rescaling Shark applies a :doxy:`Normalizer` model to the data. This model applies an affine linear function :math:`x \mapsto a x + b` to each feature component; this is a special type of a linear model. Two different trainers for two different types of normalization are available. The trainers are :doxy:`NormalizeComponentsUnitInterval` and :doxy:`NormalizeComponentsUnitVariance`. The first one normalizes every input dimension to the range [0,1]. This operation is meaningful if it is known that feature values are bounded. The second class adjusts the variance of each component to one, and it can optionally remove the mean. This is no whitening, because correlations remain unchanged. Removal of the mean is optional. Note that without removal of the mean (essentially :math:`x \mapsto a x` with :math:`b = 0`) this operation can be applied efficiently even to extremely high-dimensional sparse feature vectors. In the following we will normalize data to unit variance and remove the mean. This requires the includes:: #include #include using namespace shark; First we have to train our normalizer model so that it can perform the normalization operation:: // create and train data normalizer bool removeMean = true; Normalizer normalizer; NormalizeComponentsUnitVariance normalizingTrainer(removeMean); normalizingTrainer.train(normalizer, data); Now the normalizer is ready to use and we can transform the data:: // transform data UnlabeledData normalizedData = transform(data, normalizer); In order to apply such a normalization to :doxy:`LabeledData`, the methods :doxy:`transformInputs` and :doxy:`transformLabels` can be used. Of course, training and test data can be normalized either independently or with the same model. A normalizer can be concatenated with another model. This comes handy when a model should handle a stream of new input data. Only one call is needed to use the normalization followed by the trained model:: #include //... YourModel model; ConcatenatedModel completeModel = normalizer >> model; Whitening --------- As noted above the feature-wise rescaling to unit variance does not remove correlations between features. A full whitening of the data is requires for this purpose. The resulting transformation is represented by a :doxy:`LinearModel`, which is trained by a :doxy:`NormalizeComponentsWhitening` trainer. The following code is analog of the above feature-wise normalization:: #include #include // create and train data normalizer LinearModel whitener; NormalizeComponentsWhitening whiteningTrainer; whiteningTrainer.train(whitener, data); Now the normalizer is ready to use and we can transform the data:: // transform data UnlabeledData whitenedData = transform(data, whitener); A few notes are in place. First of all note that different types of pre-processing steps are suitable for different types of data. Second, not all procedures scale well to high-dimensional feature spaces. Third, it usually makes sense to combine feature rescaling with a feature selection (e.g., filtering) technique. Such techniques are beyond the scope of this tutorial.