Den 14. Danske Konference i Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse

Torsdag d. 18. august og Fredag d. 19. august 2005
Datalogisk Institut, Københavns Universitet

(DSAGM), The Danish Society of Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (The Danish chapter of IAPR) invites for contributions to the 14th National Meeting. The meeting is taking place at and sponsored by (DIKU), The Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen.

Contributions must be submitted to the conference secretary (see below) not later than July 1. 2005. This year contributions must be mailed as e-mail including 2 (two) pdf- attachments: An abstract of not more than one page, and the paper which should not exceed about 8-10 pages. Contributions must be written in English. Contributions in formats different from pdf will be rejected. Please, include fonts into pdf-documents!

The proceedings, including the submitted papers will be available electronically as a diku-technical report shortly before the meeting is taking place. The abstracts will be printed on paper and will be available at the meeting.

Contributions will be accepted as oral presentations only. Depending on the number of contributions each presentation will last for 20-30 minutes including time for discussion.

Invited Speaker
Professor Ken Museth, Linköping Institute of Technology
Deforming geometry at extreme resolutions

Registration and fee
Register by e-mailing information on:

to the Conference Secretary (see below) not later than July 1, 2005.

The fee is DKr. 500,- and will cover lunch (both days), the conference dinner, and coffee breaks. After the meeting you (or your organization) will receive an invoice for the fee.

Registration includes membership of DSAGM in 2006. If you cannot participate in the meeting but want the membership of DSAGM please register and note in the e-mail that you cannot participate.


Lektor Søren Olsen,

Datalogisk Institut
Københavns Universitet
Universitetsparken 1
DK-2100 København Ø

Telephone: (+45) 35 32 14 58
Fax: (+45) 35 32 14 01

Sekretær Karin Outzen,

Datalogisk Institut
Københavns Universitet
Universitetsparken 1
DK-2100 København Ø

Telephone: (+45) 35 32 14 48
Fax: (+45) 35 32 14 01
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