Summer School on

Domain Adaptation in Image Analysis

Copenhagen, Denmark, August 20-24, 2012


The Summer School on Domain Adaptation in Image Analysis will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark. The school will present basic and advanced topics in domain adaptation through theoretical and practical lectures given by distinguished researchers in the field, among them

  • Corinna Cortes (Google Research)
  • Mehryar Mohri (New York University)
  • Yishay Mansour (Tel Aviv University)
  • Trevor Darrell (University of California, Berkeley)

  • All of them have strong experience in the topic of the Summer School. There will also be lectures given by guest speakers and members of the research group at DIKU to cover related topics to domain adaptation.

    We expect that the students finish the course with an apprehension of the variety of domain adaptation methods, and that they have been given the tools to tackle this learning problem in their own work. The lectures will be supplemented with practical exercises to deepen the students' understanding of the material. In a plenum session, the invited experts will discuss future perspectives for the methods.

    Important Dates

    • Application deadline: July 23rd, 2012 (extended deadline)
    • Notification of acceptance: July 25th, 2012.
    • Registration deadline: August 1st, 2012
    • Submission deadline for the poster: August 10th, 2012
    • Summer School: August 20th-24th
    • Submission of technical report: September 24th, 2012


    The Summer School will take place in "Lille UP1" at Universiteitsparken 1. Please find more detailed information here.


    Ph.D. students can get a total of 5 ECTS points from the Summer School: 2 ECTS points from participation and 3 ECTS points by doing the following:

    • Present a poster at the Summer School
    • Write a technical report of 2-3 pages on how topics covered in the course relate to their own Ph.D. work. The report must refer to the content presented in the lectures.


    It is required to present a poster of current work at the Summer School. Please send an email to Kersten Petersen with the title and a pdf of the poster. With your permission, the poster will be put on this homepage. Please also bring a printed copy to the Summer School.


    The summer school is organized by The Image Group, Department of Computer Science (DIKU), University of Copenhagen, and the PhD School of Science, University of Copenhagen.

    Registration and Practical Matters

    We have room for a limited number of people. External applicants are asked to send a motivation letter of max. 1 page that contains their name, affiliation as well as the email contacts of up to three referees.

    The registration fee of the Summer School is 2400 DKK (ca. 320 EUR) and covers breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, a social activity, a conference dinner, and a machine learning textbook. For further information on registration and practical matters, please contact:

    The payment is done by wire transfer to the following account:

    • National money transfers:
      Danske Bank
      Registration number: 3001
      Account number: 4115212125
      The payment should be marked: Domain Adaptation 2012 analysis number 510000-10-5100093
      Please remember your full name with the payment.
    • International money transfers:
      Payment in (DKK) Danish Kroner to:
      Danske Bank IBAN: DK4130004115212125
      Danske Bank
      Holmens Kanal afdeling
      Holmens Kanal 2
      DK-1092 Copenhagen K
      The payment should be marked: Domain Adaptation 2012 analysis number 510000-10-5100093
      Please remember your full name with the payment.

    Former and Upcoming Summer Schools

    Summer School on Domain Adaptation in Image Analysis
    Copenhagen, Denmark, August 20-24, 2012
    Dina Riis Egholm