DenseBase< Derived > Member List

This is the complete list of members for DenseBase< Derived >, including all inherited members.
all(void) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
any(void) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
Base typedefDenseBase< Derived >
block(Index startRow, Index startCol, Index blockRows, Index blockCols)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
block(Index startRow, Index startCol, Index blockRows, Index blockCols) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
block(Index startRow, Index startCol)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
block(Index startRow, Index startCol) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
bottomLeftCorner(Index cRows, Index cCols)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
bottomLeftCorner(Index cRows, Index cCols) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
bottomLeftCorner()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
bottomLeftCorner() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
bottomRightCorner(Index cRows, Index cCols)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
bottomRightCorner(Index cRows, Index cCols) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
bottomRightCorner()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
bottomRightCorner() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
bottomRows(Index n)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
bottomRows(Index n) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
bottomRows()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
bottomRows() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
checkTransposeAliasing(const OtherDerived &other) const DenseBase< Derived > [protected]
CoeffReadCost enum valueDenseBase< Derived >
CoeffReturnType typedefDenseBase< Derived >
col(Index i)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
col(Index i) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
ColsAtCompileTime enum valueDenseBase< Derived >
ColsBlockXpr typedefDenseBase< Derived >
colwise() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
colwise()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
ColwiseReturnType typedefDenseBase< Derived >
ColXpr typedefDenseBase< Derived >
Constant(Index rows, Index cols, const Scalar &value)DenseBase< Derived > [static]
Constant(Index size, const Scalar &value)DenseBase< Derived > [static]
Constant(const Scalar &value)DenseBase< Derived > [static]
ConstantReturnType typedefDenseBase< Derived >
ConstColsBlockXpr typedefDenseBase< Derived >
ConstColwiseReturnType typedefDenseBase< Derived >
ConstColXpr typedefDenseBase< Derived >
ConstReverseReturnType typedefDenseBase< Derived >
ConstRowsBlockXpr typedefDenseBase< Derived >
ConstRowwiseReturnType typedefDenseBase< Derived >
ConstRowXpr typedefDenseBase< Derived >
ConstSegmentReturnType typedefDenseBase< Derived >
ConstTransposeReturnType typedefDenseBase< Derived >
count() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
DenseBase()DenseBase< Derived > [inline, protected]
EigenvaluesReturnType typedefDenseBase< Derived >
eval() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
evalTo(Dest &) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
fill(const Scalar &value)DenseBase< Derived >
flagged() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
Flags enum valueDenseBase< Derived >
forceAlignedAccess() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
forceAlignedAccess()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
forceAlignedAccessIf() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
forceAlignedAccessIf()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
format(const IOFormat &fmt) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
head(Index size)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
head(Index size) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
head()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
head() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
Index typedefDenseBase< Derived >
innerSize() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
InnerSizeAtCompileTime enum valueDenseBase< Derived >
InnerStrideAtCompileTime enum valueDenseBase< Derived >
isApprox(const DenseBase< OtherDerived > &other, RealScalar prec=NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const DenseBase< Derived >
isApproxToConstant(const Scalar &value, RealScalar prec=NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const DenseBase< Derived >
isConstant(const Scalar &value, RealScalar prec=NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const DenseBase< Derived >
isMuchSmallerThan(const RealScalar &other, RealScalar prec=NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const DenseBase< Derived >
isMuchSmallerThan(const DenseBase< OtherDerived > &other, RealScalar prec=NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const DenseBase< Derived >
isMuchSmallerThan(const typename NumTraits< Scalar >::Real &other, RealScalar prec) const DenseBase< Derived >
isOnes(RealScalar prec=NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const DenseBase< Derived >
IsRowMajor enum valueDenseBase< Derived >
IsVectorAtCompileTime enum valueDenseBase< Derived >
isZero(RealScalar prec=NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const DenseBase< Derived >
lazyAssign(const DenseBase< OtherDerived > &other)DenseBase< Derived >
leftCols(Index n)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
leftCols(Index n) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
leftCols()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
leftCols() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
LinSpaced(Sequential_t, Index size, const Scalar &low, const Scalar &high)DenseBase< Derived > [static]
LinSpaced(Index size, const Scalar &low, const Scalar &high)DenseBase< Derived > [static]
LinSpaced(Sequential_t, const Scalar &low, const Scalar &high)DenseBase< Derived > [static]
LinSpaced(const Scalar &low, const Scalar &high)DenseBase< Derived > [static]
lpNorm() const DenseBase< Derived >
maxCoeff() const DenseBase< Derived >
maxCoeff(IndexType *row, IndexType *col) const DenseBase< Derived >
maxCoeff(IndexType *index) const DenseBase< Derived >
MaxColsAtCompileTime enum valueDenseBase< Derived >
MaxRowsAtCompileTime enum valueDenseBase< Derived >
MaxSizeAtCompileTime enum valueDenseBase< Derived >
mean() const DenseBase< Derived >
middleCols(Index startCol, Index numCols)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
middleCols(Index startCol, Index numCols) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
middleCols(Index startCol)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
middleCols(Index startCol) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
middleRows(Index startRow, Index numRows)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
middleRows(Index startRow, Index numRows) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
middleRows(Index startRow)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
middleRows(Index startRow) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
minCoeff() const DenseBase< Derived >
minCoeff(IndexType *row, IndexType *col) const DenseBase< Derived >
minCoeff(IndexType *index) const DenseBase< Derived >
nestByValue() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
nonZeros() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
NullaryExpr(Index rows, Index cols, const CustomNullaryOp &func)DenseBase< Derived > [static]
NullaryExpr(Index size, const CustomNullaryOp &func)DenseBase< Derived > [static]
NullaryExpr(const CustomNullaryOp &func)DenseBase< Derived > [static]
Ones(Index rows, Index cols)DenseBase< Derived > [static]
Ones(Index size)DenseBase< Derived > [static]
Ones()DenseBase< Derived > [static]
operator*() constinternal::special_scalar_op_base< Derived, internal::traits< Derived >::Scalar, NumTraits< internal::traits< Derived >::Scalar >::Real >
operator*=(const Scalar &other)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
operator+=(const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &other)DenseBase< Derived >
operator-=(const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &other)DenseBase< Derived >
operator/=(const Scalar &other)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
operator<<(const Scalar &s)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
operator<<(const DenseBase< OtherDerived > &other)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
operator<<(std::ostream &s, const DenseBase< Derived > &m)DenseBase< Derived > [related]
operator=(const DenseBase< OtherDerived > &other)DenseBase< Derived >
operator=(const DenseBase &other)DenseBase< Derived >
operator=(const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &other)DenseBase< Derived >
operator=(const ReturnByValue< OtherDerived > &func)DenseBase< Derived >
outerSize() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
OuterStrideAtCompileTime enum valueDenseBase< Derived >
PacketScalar typedefDenseBase< Derived >
prod() const DenseBase< Derived >
Random(Index rows, Index cols)DenseBase< Derived > [inline, static]
Random(Index size)DenseBase< Derived > [inline, static]
Random()DenseBase< Derived > [inline, static]
RandomAccessLinSpacedReturnType typedefDenseBase< Derived >
RealScalar typedefDenseBase< Derived >
replicate() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
replicate(Index rowFacor, Index colFactor) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
resize(Index size)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
resize(Index rows, Index cols)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
reverse()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
reverse() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
reverseInPlace()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
ReverseReturnType typedefDenseBase< Derived >
rightCols(Index n)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
rightCols(Index n) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
rightCols()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
rightCols() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
row(Index i)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
row(Index i) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
RowsAtCompileTime enum valueDenseBase< Derived >
RowsBlockXpr typedefDenseBase< Derived >
rowwise() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
rowwise()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
RowwiseReturnType typedefDenseBase< Derived >
RowXpr typedefDenseBase< Derived >
Scalar typedefDenseBase< Derived >
segment(Index start, Index size)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
segment(Index start, Index size) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
segment(Index start)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
segment(Index start) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
SegmentReturnType typedefDenseBase< Derived >
select(const DenseBase< ThenDerived > &thenMatrix, const DenseBase< ElseDerived > &elseMatrix) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
select(const DenseBase< ThenDerived > &thenMatrix, typename ThenDerived::Scalar elseScalar) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
select(typename ElseDerived::Scalar thenScalar, const DenseBase< ElseDerived > &elseMatrix) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
SequentialLinSpacedReturnType typedefDenseBase< Derived >
setConstant(const Scalar &value)DenseBase< Derived >
setLinSpaced(Index size, const Scalar &low, const Scalar &high)DenseBase< Derived >
setLinSpaced(const Scalar &low, const Scalar &high)DenseBase< Derived >
setOnes()DenseBase< Derived >
setRandom()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
setZero()DenseBase< Derived >
SizeAtCompileTime enum valueDenseBase< Derived >
StorageKind typedefDenseBase< Derived >
sum() const DenseBase< Derived >
swap(const DenseBase< OtherDerived > &other, int=OtherDerived::ThisConstantIsPrivateInPlainObjectBase)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
swap(PlainObjectBase< OtherDerived > &other)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
tail(Index size)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
tail(Index size) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
tail()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
tail() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
ThisConstantIsPrivateInPlainObjectBase enum valueDenseBase< Derived >
topLeftCorner(Index cRows, Index cCols)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
topLeftCorner(Index cRows, Index cCols) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
topLeftCorner()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
topLeftCorner() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
topRightCorner(Index cRows, Index cCols)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
topRightCorner(Index cRows, Index cCols) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
topRightCorner()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
topRightCorner() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
topRows(Index n)DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
topRows(Index n) const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
topRows()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
topRows() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
trace() const DenseBase< Derived >
transpose()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
transpose() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
transposeInPlace()DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
value() const DenseBase< Derived > [inline]
visit(Visitor &func) const DenseBase< Derived >
Zero(Index rows, Index cols)DenseBase< Derived > [static]
Zero(Index size)DenseBase< Derived > [static]
Zero()DenseBase< Derived > [static]