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/home/hauberg/Dokumenter/Capture/humim-tracker-0.1/src/ntk/geometry/Eigen/src/Sparse/SparseSelfAdjointView.h File Reference

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struct  internal::traits< SparseSelfAdjointView< MatrixType, UpLo > >
class  SparseSelfAdjointView< MatrixType, UpLo >
 Pseudo expression to manipulate a triangular sparse matrix as a selfadjoint matrix. More...
struct  internal::traits< SparseSelfAdjointTimeDenseProduct< Lhs, Rhs, UpLo > >
class  SparseSelfAdjointTimeDenseProduct< Lhs, Rhs, UpLo >
struct  internal::traits< DenseTimeSparseSelfAdjointProduct< Lhs, Rhs, UpLo > >
class  DenseTimeSparseSelfAdjointProduct< Lhs, Rhs, UpLo >
struct  internal::traits< SparseSymmetricPermutationProduct< MatrixType, UpLo > >
class  SparseSymmetricPermutationProduct< MatrixType, UpLo >


namespace  internal


template<int SrcUpLo, int DstUpLo, typename MatrixType , int DestOrder>
void internal::permute_symm_to_symm (const MatrixType &mat, SparseMatrix< typename MatrixType::Scalar, DestOrder, typename MatrixType::Index > &_dest, const typename MatrixType::Index *perm=0)
template<int UpLo, typename MatrixType , int DestOrder>
void internal::permute_symm_to_fullsymm (const MatrixType &mat, SparseMatrix< typename MatrixType::Scalar, DestOrder, typename MatrixType::Index > &_dest, const typename MatrixType::Index *perm=0)